Identifying Sepsis Risk and Symptoms

2024-03-28T21:00:04-04:00June 29th, 2020|Categories: The Kidney Citizen, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

By Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN People who live with kidney disease are more susceptible to contracting infections than the general public. A weakened immune system, frequent hospital or clinical visits/stays, and possible points of entry for infection (catheters, ports, etc.) all contribute to this increased risk. Unfortunately, some of these infections can lead to sepsis, which can be life altering, even fatal for thousands of people. Sepsis is your body’s inflammatory response to an infection. It can be any type of infection—viral, as with influenza; bacterial, as with a urinary tract infection (UTI); even fungal or parasitic. No one knows why [...]

Short Course on Sepsis and Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T21:00:56-04:00September 3rd, 2019|Categories: eNews, Online Courses, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

Do you know that anyone, including people with kidney disease, can get sepsis? Do you know what sepsis is and what its symptoms are? If you or a loved one gets sepsis. It is very important to get treatment immediately for this devastating and life-threatening condition. September is Sepsis Awareness Month, and we have a short online course that will get you up-to-speed in case this happens to you or someone you know. During this program, you will learn: What sepsis is What the early warning signs of sepsis are What people with kidney disease need to know about sepsis What [...]

New Course – Sepsis and Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T20:59:24-04:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Online Courses, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

Print out the flier The DPC Education Center has a new, easy way to help you learn! We are kicking off National Kidney Month with a brand-new course titled, "Sepsis and Kidney Disease." With this free, online mini course you will learn about sepsis, including its causes and symptoms, and how to get treatment for this potentially devastating and life-threatening condition. Explore topics by watching videos, reading articles and participating in online activities. Go at your own pace as you learn what sepsis is and what actions to take. Be an advocate for your health, and get started [...]

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

2024-03-28T21:00:07-04:00September 10th, 2018|Categories: eNews, News & Events, What Causes Kidney Disease, What Is Kidney Disease|Tags: |

Sepsis is a life-threatening medical condition in which the body has a severe response to an infection. Sepsis can result in tissue damage, organ failure and death. Sepsis can happen to anyone. People with chronic medical conditions, such as kidney disease, are at a higher risk of getting an infection, which can lead to sepsis. Check out our webinar from earlier this year to learn more about the relationship of sepsis to kidney disease, the warning signs, risks, and ways to prevent sepsis. Additional Resources National Institute on Health page on sepsis Centers for Disease Control and Prevention page on sepsis

CDC Helps Patients and Their Families “Get Ahead of Sepsis”

2024-03-28T21:01:06-04:00September 6th, 2017|Categories: eNews, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: , , |

Each year in the U.S., more than 1.5 million people get sepsis, and at least 250,000 Americans die as a result. CDC’s Get Ahead of Sepsis education effort encourages patients and caregivers to prevent infections that lead to sepsis and seek immediate medical care if they suspect sepsis. Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is life-threatening, and without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly cause tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Anyone can get an infection, and almost any infection can lead to sepsis. Certain people are at higher risk including: adults 65 or older; people with chronic conditions such [...]

CDC aims to increase awareness of sepsis

2024-06-07T11:43:10-04:00March 17th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle|Tags: |

Sepsis is the body’s reaction to an infection, leading to organ and tissue damage, and possible death. To raise awareness, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) designated September as Sepsis Awareness Month for the general public and health professionals. Infection prevention is especially important for dialysis patients, as bloodstream infections occur in 37,000 dialysis patients per year. The CDC feature blog posts documenting experiences with sepsis from a medical perspective, and include ways to improve care and treatment options. These resources are also available to patients, which include videos and fact sheets.

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