Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 3,583
This state does not currently offer Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Medicare, a federal program, pays for dialysis for over 80% of dialysis treatments. However, many issues concerning dialysis patients are actually handled at the state level.
West Virginia Dialysis Patient Resources
Patient Support and Financial Resources
National Kidney Foundation Serving the Alleghenies
Provides financial assistance to patients and families who are experiencing a financial crisis due to kidney disease or transplantation.
ESRD Network
#5 Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition
1527 Huguenot Road
Midlothian, VAÂ 23113
State Run Programs
West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services
- Adult Programs: The Bureau for Medical Services is committed to administering the Medicaid Program, while maintaining accountability for the use of resources, in a way that assures access to appropriate, medically necessary, and quality health care services for all members; provide these services in a user friendly manner to providers and members alike; and focus on the future by providing preventive care programs.
- Programs for Children: The West Virginia Children’s Health Insurance Program (WVCHIP) is a low cost health care plan for children and teenagers of working families.
- Additional Programs: AccessWV is a health plan created by West Virginia statute to provide health insurance to West Virginians who have been unable to find or who have been denied health insurance in the private market because of a medical condition.
Health Reform Status
Exchange: West Virginia will run its health insurance exchange in partnership with the federal government.
Medicaid: It is not known at this time whether the state will expand Medicaid eligibility.