Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 3,615
This state does not currently offer Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Medicare, a federal program, pays for dialysis for over 80% of dialysis treatments. However, many issues concerning dialysis patients are actually handled at the state level.
Utah Dialysis Patient Resources
Patient Support and Financial Resources
National Kidney Foundation of Utah & Idaho
Provides financial assistance, transportation and laptop computers for kidney patients living in Utah and Idaho.
ESRD Network
#15 Intermountain End Stage Renal Disease Network
165 S. Union Blvd., Suite 466
Lakewood, COÂ 80228
State Run Programs
Utah Medicaid Program
- Adult Programs: Provides quality health care services to eligible low-income residents of this state.
- Programs for Children: The Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP is a state health insurance plan for children. Depending on income and family size, working Utah families who do not have other health insurance may qualify for CHIP.
- Additional Programs: Utah’s Premium Partnership for Health Insurance- UPP Helps pay for insurance premiums for working individuals who can not afford the employer-plan premiums.
Health Reform Status
Exchange: Utah will run its own state-based health insurance exchange.
Medicaid: It is not known at this time whether the state will expand Medicaid eligibility.