Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 44,189
This state offers Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
New York Dialysis Patient Resources
ESRD Network
#2 IPRO End Stage Renal Disease Network of New York
1979 Marcus Avenue
Lake Success, NYÂ 11042
State Run Programs
New York State Department of Health
- Adult Programs: Medical care for eligible residents who can’t afford it. Family Health Plus is a public health insurance program for adults who are aged 19 to 64 who have income or resources too high to qualify for Medicaid.
- Programs for Children: Child Health Plus provides health insurance for kids Depending on family income children may be eligible for either Children’s Medicaid or Child Health Plus.
- Medication Programs: Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Two plans to help pay prescription costs for the elderly: Fee Plan, and the Deductible Plan.
- Additional Programs: Working People with Disabilities may qualify for a Medicaid buy-in program.
Health Reform Status
Exchange: New York will run its own state-based health insurance exchange.
Medicaid: The state will expand Medicaid eligibility.