Number of dialysis patients statewide: 9,249
This state offers Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Medicare, a federal program, pays for dialysis for over 80% of dialysis treatments. However, many issues concerning dialysis patients are actually handled at the state level.
Minnesota Dialysis Patient Resources
ESRD Network
#11 Renal Network fo the Upper Midwest
1360 Energy Park Drive, Suite 200
St. Paul, MNÂ 55108
Sate Run Programs
Minnesota Department of Human Services MinnesotaCare
- Adult Programs: Provides subsidized health coverage to eligible Minnesotans.
- Medication Programs: Rx Connect Helps people find affordable prescription drugs.
Health Reform Status
Exchange: Minnesota will run its own state-based health insurance exchange.
Medicaid: The state will expand Medicaid eligibility.