Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 12,553
This state offers Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Louisiana Dialysis Patient Resources
ESRD Network
#13 ESRD Network
4200 Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 102
Oklahoma City, OKÂ 73112
State-Run Programs
Louisiana Medicaid
- Adult Programs: Provides medical care to needy Louisiana residents who qualify.
- Programs for Children: LaCHIP offers low cost or no cost health care plans for uninsured Louisiana children up to age 19. Eligibility is based on family size and income.
- Medication Programs: Cenla Medication Access Program (CMAP) Chronic care prescription medications for people who cannot afford them.
Health Reform Status:
Exchange: The federal government will run the health insurance exchange in Louisiana.
Medicaid: The state will not expand Medicaid eligibility.