Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 4,852
This state does not currently offer Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Medicare, a federal program, pays for dialysis for over 80% of dialysis treatments. However, many issues concerning dialysis patients are actually handled at the state level.
Iowa Dialysis Patient Resources
ESRD Networks
2300 Main Street, Suite 900
Kansas City, MO 64108
State-Run Programs
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise Units
- Adult Programs: Provides health insurance for low-income adults and families, and people with disabilities.
- Programs for Children: Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (Hawk-i) Provide low cost (or if eligible, free) health insurance coverage for uninsured children of working families.
- Medication Programs: Iowa Medication Voucher Program Assist low income Iowans with the purchase of eligible prescription drugs using a voucher system; patient copay is $3.
- Additional Programs: Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP) Health insurance premium payment program that helps people get insurance or keep insurance they already have by paying for the premiums. Hawk -I health care coverage for uninsured children of working families. No family pays more than $20 a month. Some families even pay nothing at all.
Health Reform Status:
Exchange: Iowa will run its health insurance exchange in partnership with the federal government.
Medicaid: It is not known at this time whether the state will expand Medicaid eligibility.