Number of End-Stage Renal Disease patients statewide: 13,370
This state does not currently offer Medigap insurance to dialysis patients under 65.
Medicare, a federal program, pays for dialysis for over 80% of dialysis treatments. However, many issues concerning dialysis patients are actually handled at the state level.
Indiana Dialysis Patient Resources
Patient Support and Financial Resources
National Kidney Foundation of Indiana
911 E 86th St Ste 100
Indianapolis, IN 46240-1848
Phone: (317) 722-5640
Toll Free: (800) 382-9971
Fax: (317) 722-5650
ESRD Networks
#10 ESRD Network “The Renal Network”
911 E. 86th Street, Suite 202
Indianapolis, INÂ 46240
State-Run Programs
Hoosier Healthwise
- Adult Programs: Hoosier Healthwise is a health insurance program for Indiana children, pregnant women, and low-income families. Health care is provided at little or no cost to Indiana families enrolled in the program.
- Programs for Children: Children’s Special Health Care Services provides supplemental medical coverage to help families of children with serious, chronic medical conditions
- Medication Programs: Hoosier RX Assistance helps in paying Medicare Part D (drug) premiums. 1-866-267-4679
- Additional Programs: Indiana’s health care program to serve individuals who may have special health needs or benefit from specialized attention. People served by Care Select may be aged, blind, disabled, members who get room and board assistance, members on M.E.D. Works, wards of the court and foster children, children receiving adoptive services and members on a home and community based (HCBS) waiver.
Health Reform Status:
Exchange: The federal government will run the health insurance exchange in Indiana.
Medicaid: It is not known at this time whether the state will expand Medicaid eligibility.