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Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) Education Center Podcasts provide individuals with the latest news on kidney disease while focusing on what patients can do to ensure their optimal health
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Do You Ask Questions?
Whether you were just diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), on dialysis, or transplanted, it is important to ask providers questions about whatever it is that you do not understand about your healthcare. Remember, providers treat symptoms! If you [...]
Recipe of the Month: Shrimp Linguine
February’s recipe is the perfect meal for two if you need a last minute Valentine’s Day dinner: Shrimp Linguine.
Exercise: A Resolution or a Commitment?
Happy New Year! Happy New You! Many make new year resolutions that are difficult to keep or achieve. Let us make a commitment to exercise and eat nutritionally. Before beginning any changes in exercise and nutrition, please consult your physician! [...]
Recipe of the Month: Chicken Stir-Fry
January's recipe is the perfect easy and veggie packed recipe for after the holidays: Chicken Stir-Fry
Diabetic Kidney Disease
The following information will focus on diabetic kidney disease and is taken from the National Institute of Health ( What is diabetic kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney [...]