If you missed last week’s webinar on Relieving Pain Through Laughter, the recording is now available. In addition, here is a list of resources for people living with chronic pain:
- Explain Pain, 2nd (2014) David Butler and G. Lorimer Moseley. NOI Publications.
- Painful yarns, Metaphors & stories to help understand the biology of pain. (2012). G. Lorimer Moseley.
- The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer. (2014). GL Moseley & DS Butler.
- Your Fibromyalgia Workbook, A Neuroscience Approach to the Understanding and Treatment of Fibromyalgia. (2013). Adriaan Louw.  Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products.
- Why Do I Hurt? A Patient Book about the Neuroscience of Pain. (2013). Adriaan Louw. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products.
- Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment and Your Life. (2011). Jon Kabat-Zin, Sounds True, Inc.
- Managing Pain Before It Manages You, 4th (2016) Margaret A. Caudill. Guilford Press (workbook).
- The Healer Within: Using Traditional Chinese Techniques to Release Your Body’s Own Medicine. Movement, Massage, Meditation, Breathing. (2013). Roger Janke. HarperCollins Publishers.
- The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor. (2016). Ginevra Liptan, Ballantine Books.
- Passage Meditation- A Complete Spiritual Practice: Train your Mind and Find a Life that Fulfills. (2016).  Eknath Easwaran. Nilgiri Press.
- The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity.  (2015). Norman Doidge. Penguin Books.
National Pain Websites
- The American Chronic Pain Association: theacpa.org
- National Fibromyalgia Association: fmaware.org
- Tame the Beast- educational site about pain. tamethebeast.org
- The Arthritis Foundation: arthritis.org (includes link to local exercise classes for people with pain issues).
- Recovery Strategies: Your Pain Guidebook. (Free guidebook available for download.) greglehman.ca
Pain Management
- Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain webinar – https://www.dpcedcenter.org/education-webinar/understanding-and-managing-chronic-pain/
- Chronic Pain – https://www.asahq.org/whensecondscount/pain-management/types-of-pain/chronic/
- Opioid Treatment – https://www.asahq.org/whensecondscount/pain-management/opioid-treatment/
- Non-Opioid Treatment – https://www.asahq.org/whensecondscount/pain-management/non-opioid-treatment/
Video Links
- Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain Webinar – https://www.dpcedcenter.org/education-webinar/understanding-and-managing-chronic-pain/
- Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes – https://youtu.be/C_3phB93rvI
- TEDx Adelaide – Lorimer Moseley: Why Things Hurt – https://youtu.be/gwd-wLdIHjs
- TED – Elliot Krane: The Mystery of Chronic Pain – https://youtu.be/J6–CMhcCfQ
- 23 ½ hours: What is the best single best thing we can do for our health? – https://youtu.be/aUaInS6HIGo
- David Butler: The Drug Cabinet in the Brain – https://youtu.be/Gd2NaGZa7M4
- Understanding Pain: Brainman stops his opioids – https://youtu.be/MI1myFQPdCE
- Taming the Beast Pain – https://youtu.be/ikUzvSph7Z4
- A Car with Four Flat Tires – https://youtu.be/5RIii6OUK2A