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Getting Assistance from Others

December 14th, 2012|

Do you find it hard to ask for help when you need it? Try these ideas the next time you need a hand: Even though you don’t want to bother anyone, it’s not a good idea to begin your request with an apology. “I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble” sounds as if an awful chore lies ahead! Try being more specific: “I need help taking some clothes to a charity. Do you have about an hour to help me next Saturday?” When people ask what they can do to help you, give them a job: “Can you help me move this plant outside?” If you’re offered help that you don’t need — [...]

Things to Think About When Evaluating Dialysis Treatment Options

November 29th, 2012|

There are pros and cons with each dialysis option. Each person is different and they need to work with their family and healthcare team to decide which will work best for them. For many, dialysis at home is more flexible than at a center, but there are also more responsibilities. This chart compares each of the choices: In Center Home Conventional or Nocturnal Conventional, Short Daily, or Nocturnal* CAPD/CCPD (peritoneal dialysis) Portable No Depends on machine Yes Travel possible With advance planning With portable machine Yes Needles used Yes Yes No Training time None 4-6 weeks (depending on system) 1-2 weeks Amount of storage space Not applicable Depends on machine from 10 to 80 boxes [...]

History and Overview of Home Hemodialysis

November 29th, 2012|

History In the 1960's during the early days of home hemodialysis, most treatments were done in the home, primarily because of the lack of hospital or clinic-based facilities. By 1973, 40% of dialysis patients were doing their treatments at home. Decline of Home Hemodialysis The percentage of home hemodialysis patients began to drop after 1973. Today the situation has almost reversed and most people on dialysis (90%) get their treatments at a dialysis center. The drop in home hemodialysis was caused by the following: In 1972, Congress passed legislation that created a Medicare program to pay for dialysis treatment. This program made in-center hemodialysis financially more attractive to providers so dialysis centers started being built. [...]

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