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DPC’s 2024 Advocacy Day and 20th Anniversary Celebration

September 23rd, 2024|

Megan Hashbarger, DPC Vice President of Government Relations This past May, DPC hosted our annual Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C., where we brought together patients, family members, and care givers to meet with their Members of Congress to elevate the patient story for dialysis patients. This year, we had 65 advocates attend, representing 25 states, who had almost 80 Congressional meetings. Our patients spoke to Congressional offices asking them to support H.R. 6860 – The Restore Protections for Dialysis Patients Act and H.R. 5027/S. 4469 – The Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act. These two bills would improve access to quality health care coverage as well as innovative treatment [...]

The Kidney Citizen Issue 19

September 23rd, 2024|

Welcome to the New Normal issue of the Kidney Citizen! The DPC Education Center is excited to share with you articles that embody patient adaptability and resilience, provide knowledge, and help you to live your best life with kidney disease.


September 3rd, 2024|

Insomnia is often a constant complaint for a great deal of renal patients.  It can be especially annoying when one has to get up early the next day for whatever reason. Sleep is necessary and the deprivation of sleep can affect the body in many ways. DaVita Kidney Care has outlined why insomnia may occur and tips to help avoid insomnia. The following information can be found on DaVita's website (  Sleep Issues and Chronic Kidney Disease People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Your physical and mental health can contribute to your sleep problems. These are some common causes for disrupted sleep patterns in kidney disease patients. Restless leg syndrome Restless leg syndrome (RLS) [...]

August is National Immunization Awareness

August 3rd, 2024|

Many experts recommend that dialysis and transplant patients get timely immunizations and vaccinations. These patients are at a higher risk of developing serious complications from infections because of their immune systems.  We suggest that patients speak to their respective medical providers with any questions or concerns that may arise about recommended vaccinations and immunizations. The following information can be found on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( website, an official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). NIAM raises the awareness about why vaccines are important for people of all ages and how they can help prevent serious, sometimes deadly, diseases and illnesses. NIAM is now more [...]

Humid Heat Impacts Dialysis Patients

July 29th, 2024|

When summer hits, renal patients have another element that they must consider when thinking about their health, the heat. And while dry heat alone is problematic for patients, the effect is even greater when it is humid.

Don’t Sweat It! – Tips for Renal Patients During Summer Heat

July 3rd, 2024|

Summer is here and this time of year can be especially challenging for dialysis patients!  No matter how thirsty you are, you must still monitor your fluid intake. At the Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center, we are continuously researching and sharing information that can improve the quality of life of renal patients. This article focuses on fluid intake and thirst tips and is provided by Fresenius Kidney Care ( and DaVita ( The following information is provided by Fresenius Kidney Care. Dialysis works to remove excess fluid from your blood, so it’s important to manage your fluid intake. Fluids are typically limited on a dialysis diet, and the exact amount you should have each day may [...]

DPC Raises Alarm on Health Workforce Shortages

April 26th, 2024|

Jackson Williams, DPC Vice President of Public Policy Fifteen years ago, the Institute of Medicine report, “Retooling for an Aging America: Building the Health Care Workforce,” warned of looming health workforce shortages due to demographic changes. Has the era foreseen by that report arrived? Media reports indicate numerous instances of hospitals declaring “contingency standards of care” or ordering ambulance diversions due to staffing shortages. Average emergency department visit times have risen to 160 minutes, up from 143 minutes in 2020, according to government statistics. Medicare beneficiaries who are intermittent users of health care facilities will probably not know when care is not timely or delivered to standards. But patients with ESRD, who [...]

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