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Resources for People Living with Chronic Pain

April 29th, 2019|

If you missed last week's webinar on Relieving Pain Through Laughter, the recording is now available. In addition, here is a list of resources for people living with chronic pain: Books Explain Pain, 2nd (2014) David Butler and G. Lorimer Moseley. NOI Publications. Painful yarns, Metaphors & stories to help understand the biology of pain. (2012). G. Lorimer Moseley. The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer. (2014). GL Moseley & DS Butler. Your Fibromyalgia Workbook, A Neuroscience Approach to the Understanding and Treatment of Fibromyalgia. (2013). Adriaan Louw.   Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products. Why Do I Hurt? A Patient Book about the Neuroscience of Pain. (2013). Adriaan Louw.  Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products. Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present [...]

Living with Kidney Disease: Tips for Teens on How to Cope

April 22nd, 2019|

By Elizabeth Lewan, Communications & Grassroots Program Coordinator at the American Psychological Association Your kidneys have many functions in the body and play an important role in your overall health and wellness. They help the body eliminate harmful toxins by filtering waste and extra fluid from your blood, control blood pressure and keep your bones healthy. Although you have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, you can still live a meaningful and healthy life. You may be feeling scared or unsure about your health or the changes happening to your body. It may seem like you’re on an emotional roller coaster, or you may not know how to feel. Any of those feelings are okay [...]

Martinlow Spaulding: Humorist, Activist and Family Man

April 15th, 2019|

April is National Donate Life Month, and it is also National Humor Month. Martinlow Spaulding, living with kidney disease for over 25 years, easily celebrates the significance of both. Spaulding is a transplant recipient who combines humor and laughter in his daily life. He tells a lot of jokes—some of them get a few giggles, and some of them get a few groans. But his positive attitude and outlook on life help him find the “funny” in a lot of situations. Spaulding, the youngest of five children, is the recipient of not one but two gifts of life—both donated by his older siblings. His first transplant was on October 6, 1993, a kidney donated by [...]

Relieving Pain Through Laughter

April 8th, 2019|

Joyology is the lifestyle that skillfully blends laughter, humor, and attitudes to help recover from difficulties and re-awaken the joy of being alive. During this webinar you will: 1) learn about joyology as a lifestyle, 2) discover ways to manage pain and 3) understand how laughter can help ease pain. Presented by: Mary Laskin, MN, RN, ACNS-BC and Steve Wilson, Psychologist, The Joyologist

Keep Your Funny Side Up: Discover The Humor Perspective

April 1st, 2019|

By Steve Wilson, Psychologist, Joyologist, DPC Education Center Advisory Council Member Here’s a sobering prediction I came across not too long ago: 52% of American executives will die of stress-related illnesses. As a psychologist I know that the emotional tension and stress experiences by those executives will not be caused by the events in their lives. Rather, the stress will be caused by their perceptions of those events. It is not what is happening to us that hurts; it’s how we think about what is happening to us. When you received the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD), it was a lot to learn about and a lot to take in. Yet, when you attended [...]

My Personal Experience with a Rare Condition

March 29th, 2019|

By Mark Scirocco, Patient Ambassador I have been on in-center hemodialysis for three years. It was a rough start, as I went through 11 chest catheters in a little over a year. Two of them just fell out while I was sitting at home; the others got clogged. The last one almost killed me, stopping fluid in my upper body and head. My fistula was barely ready when they took that one out and placed a stent in my chest to allow fluid past my upper body. Three months after starting my fistula, I needed a fistulogram to open it up. For those of you who have not heard of a fistulogram, it is a [...]

Maintaining Personal Relationships While on Dialysis

March 25th, 2019|

By Alex Purcell People with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who have gone through dialysis can tell you that it is exhausting—and so can their loved ones. Not only does dialysis take a physical toll on the patient, it can also put significant stress on the patient’s relationships with their friends and family, right when they need those relationships the most. This dynamic can be especially complicated if the primary caregiver is a spouse or close relative. If you’re in this situation, as either a patient or a loved one, you may be feeling frustrated, sad or lonely. But there’s hope: transplant psychologists say that you can learn to maintain and potentially enrich your close relationships [...]

Free Monthly Webinars/Conference Calls

March 21st, 2019|

The DPC Education Center invites people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), their families and professional staff to join us for our monthly webinars. You can also join by phone or view the recordings online at a later time. The webinars are planned for the fourth Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. Eastern time zone, except for November and December when they will be held during the third week of the month. You can download monthly webinar fliers to share with others and/or register for webinars at Join by phone by calling 1-877- 399-5186 and entering meeting code 433 459 5474. Although we are still finalizing some of the [...]

Kidney Communi­ty Blocks Threats to Charitable Assistance and Dialysis Funding in California

March 18th, 2019|

By Megan Hashbarger, Director of Congressional and State Relations, Dialysis Patient Citizens Dialysis Patients Citizen’s (DPC) mission is to improve dialysis citizens’ quality of life. As a result, we have played an important role in increasing patient access to: health insurance coverage, care coordination, medications and innovative therapies. While we work hard to improve public policies for patients, sometimes we are put on defense to protect our previous hard-fought victories. One of the most important tools for protecting patient choice and access to insurance coverage is the ability of charities to provide financial assistance in helping dialysis patients purchase insurance coverage. The American Kidney Fund helps nearly one in four of our members with their [...]

Advance Care Planning

March 15th, 2019|

By David Mahoney, MD As a member of Dialysis Patient Citizens, you have chosen to become involved, speak up for what is important to you and take charge of the management of your health. Dialysis modality, diet, medications, exercise, management of your other health-related issues, all require your informed decision-making and action. But despite this high level of involvement in their health care, few dialysis patients have addressed the issue of advance care planning. “I don’t want to talk about that now.” “That’s for sick people, and I am doing well.” “That really scares me.” “I am NOT ready to talk about THAT!” Such reactions and comments are normal and expected. To be honest, most [...]

Insights from the Dialysis Patient Citizens 2018 Patient Survey: Patients’ Priorities for Quality Measures and New Innovations in ESRD Care

March 11th, 2019|

By Jackson Williams, Director of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel, Dialysis Patient Citizens Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) thanks everyone who completed its 2018 Patient Survey. It is another way to make your voices heard. We use our patient survey to get your input on current issues and to convey your opinions to policymakers in Washington, DC. This year, our survey included questions on two recent developments in Washington: Medicare’s “Meaningful Measures” Initiative: In early 2018, Medicare officials announced plans to reduce the number of quality measures it uses to hold health care providers accountable. This meant that for dialysis care, the ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) was due to undergo changes. We surveyed patients on [...]

New Course – Sepsis and Kidney Disease

March 7th, 2019|

Print out the flier The DPC Education Center has a new, easy way to help you learn! We are kicking off National Kidney Month with a brand-new course titled, "Sepsis and Kidney Disease." With this free, online mini course you will learn about sepsis, including its causes and symptoms, and how to get treatment for this potentially devastating and life-threatening condition. Explore topics by watching videos, reading articles and participating in online activities. Go at your own pace as you learn what sepsis is and what actions to take. Be an advocate for your health, and get started today!

Improvements in Dialysis Care Are Outpacing Other Serious Chronic Disease Conditions – Including Cancer and Heart Failure

March 4th, 2019|

Improvements in dialysis care are outpacing outcomes for other chronic disease conditions, improvements that allow patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) to live longer lives – and yielding substantial savings to Medicare – according to a new fact sheet created from the health care consulting firm Discern Health, which analyzed United States Renal Data System (USRDS) data. An analysis of the USRDS data set by Discern Health reveals that, although ESRD patients are among the most complex and costly Medicare beneficiaries to treat, improvements in dialysis care have led to improvements that translate into larger gains in patient survival than other chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart failure, stroke, and myocardial infarction. In fact, [...]

Get Your Sweat On! Exercising for Healthier Kidneys

March 1st, 2019|

During the webinar, the following points will be covered: Background on the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise relating to kidney function. The impact current research is showing on exercising in helping to slow down kidney disease progression. Strategies for getting started with a new exercise routine, along with tips to keep you motivated! Presented by Collette Powers, MA, RDN, LDN, ACSM EP-C, Renal Dietitian

Two Therapies Found to Help Dialysis Patients with Depression

February 27th, 2019|

For almost 50 years, hemodialysis has extended lives of people with chronic kidney disease. But when a patient first learns that their kidneys have failed and dialysis is necessary to survive, it can be a jolting overture of mortality. These patients usually have lived for years with diabetes or hypertension – diseases onerous for their medication regimens and lifestyle constraints. Adding dialysis, a four-hour, thrice-weekly therapy, can easily push patients into depression if they don’t already have that diagnosis. With this backdrop, researchers report today that two treatments, cognitive behavioral therapy (counseling) and the drug sertraline, effectively reduce depression among people undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. The study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. “Sertraline was slightly more [...]

Growing Up On Dialysis

February 25th, 2019|

By Julie Crandall, CBCS, CMAA, Patient Ambassador, DPC Education Center Board Member How was it to grow up with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)? Since I didn’t know any other way; for me, it was normal. I can tell you that in my case, my family was the most important people that helped me navigate childhood. It helped that they didn’t treat me like the ‘sick kid’ of the family; I was a daughter and a little sister. I didn’t know what to focus on for this article. It was difficult to narrow down my childhood with ESRD and dialysis to write this article. I hope that what I chose to focus on will help others. [...]

Work Those Kidneys Out!

February 23rd, 2019|

By Collette Powers, MA, RDN, LDN, ACSM EP-C We have all heard it, and we all know it. We have been told from our doctor, a friend or a loved one. Whether it is for controlling high cholesterol, managing weight, reducing blood sugar or keeping our bodies healthy overall, we have all been told at some point we should exercise. But did you know exercise may help protect your kidneys too? Fatigue is a common struggle that many patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) face. When we are tired, our instinct is to rest. However, over time, that “rest” can lead to a very sedentary lifestyle, which has many downfalls when it comes to [...]

2018 Midterm Election Wrap-Up

February 22nd, 2019|

By Megan Hashbarger, Director of Congressional and State Relations, Dialysis Patient Citizens This past November, America held its 2018 midterm elections. We call it a midterm election because it is held between the four-year cycle of Presidential elections and is often seen as a reflection of the country’s temperament towards the President’s agenda. This cycle saw big wins for Democrats but also some solid victories for Republicans. While Democrats picked up over 40 seats and retook the majority in the House, Republicans held on to and increased their majority in the Senate. The only thing clear now is that for at least the next two years, we will have a divided government with Republicans controlling [...]

NIH Seeks Volunteers to Help Cure Diseases and Solve Health Problems

February 13th, 2019|

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is looking for volunteers to participate in the All of Us program, which is a research initiative that tracks the health of U.S. participants. The initiative is not centered around a specific disease or population. Instead, it is intended to accelerate research and improve a large assortment of health conditions by evaluating the impact of lifestyle, environment and biological makeup on health and disease. Participants may elect to help by filling out surveys, sharing electronic health records, getting a physical, sharing fitness tracker data, providing blood and urine samples, and more. The hope is that the combination of patient empowerment policies, technology and cutting-edge research will set the stage [...]

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