Do you know of an exceptional patient or healthcare professional deserving of recognition for his or her contributions to the kidney community? Nominations are now being accepted for the Nancy L. Scott Award for Patient Education & Public Service as well as the Willem J. Kolff Award for Innovation and Exceptional Patient Care. This years winners will be honored at the World Kidney Day Reception coinciding with Dialysis Patient Citizens’ annual patient fly-in.
About the Nancy L. Scott Award for Patient Education & Public Service
Nancy was instrumental in the creation of the DPC Education Center, and has worked tirelessly to empower patients through education.  She has also served in numerous Board positions for Dialysis Patient Citizens including: President, Vice President, Secretary and Education Committee Chair.  The Nancy L. Scott Award recognizes individuals for their extraordinary efforts to educate kidney disease patients and increase access to health care for everyone.
To nominate a patient for the Nancy L. Scott Award for Patient Education & Public Service, click here.
About the Willem J. Kolff Award for Innovation and Exceptional Patient Care
The Willem J. Kolff Award for Innovation and Exceptional Patient Care is intended to recognize outstanding healthcare professionals within the renal care community. These professionals are nominated by their colleagues, friends, and patients to acknowledge the contributions they are making to patient care.
Dr. Willem J. Kolff was born in 1911 in Leyden, Holland. After graduating medical school in 1938, Dr. Kolff created his first remarkable innovation; the artificial kidney. This device was made with materials he scrounged from a local factory all while during Nazi occupation. This hemodialyzer saved its first patient in September of 1945. Currently nearly 1.4 million people are receiving life-sustaining hemodialysis treatments worldwide. Dr. Kolff’s perseverance and commitment to improving patient care has lead to the creation of numerous “substantive therapies,” granting him the nickname the “father of artificial organs.”
To nominate a healthcare professional for the Willem J. Kolff Award for Innovation and Exceptional Patient Care, click here.