Webinar Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 – 3:00pm

The new partnership between DPC and the DPC Education Center creates wonderful opportunities for each organization to use the skills and expertise of the other to work toward their shared goal of improving the lives of kidney disease patients. This partnership will be evident in our next Patient Education call entitled Tools and Techniques to Empower Yourself to Help Your Community, which will be held on March 26th at 2:00PM Eastern.
The Center’s staff is currently developing toolkits for leading your own events such as walks or health fairs. Each kit will be tailored to the type of event and is a guide to help take the guesswork out of leading a new event. March’s patient education webinar/call, Tools and Techniques to Empower Yourself to Help Your Community, will kick this effort off and will be led by The Center’s patient advocates that have expertise putting on local education events.

The Center’s staff is excited to complete these kits, which will offer the event organizer with: media coverage request letter templates, planning checklists, steps to set up committees/workgroups, fundraising information and other items to make the event run smoothly. Beyond providing kits, staff will also work to create a network of experts that can provide additional personal help as events are planned, and of course will also be available as a resource too. To learn more about this project or about event planning, please join our public March Patient Education webinar/call on Tuesday March 26th at 2:00-3:00 PM ET.

If you have any questions, contact info@DPCEdCenter.org.