Dialysis Patients Citizens Education Center
The Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center is dedicated to empowering kidney disease patients through education, with continual collaboration from health professionals.
DPC Education Center 2023 Review and 2024 Preview
GREETINGS! This past year was an exciting one for the Education Center. We ramped up our social media platforms, allowing more direct exposure and interaction with our audience, including monthly LIVEs on Instagram and Facebook. Dr. Velma Scantlebury, our medical consultant, was available on Instagram every first Wednesday and on Facebook every third Wednesday—both occurred at 12:30 pm. Our support group, the Kidney Chat, was the second Tuesday of each month by telephone. Nephrologists, nutritionists, and social workers (just to name a few) were guests on the call, and shared important information and resources with patients. We also published an informative issue of the Kidney Citizen (our own publication!), which I encourage you to check out, if you haven’t already!
Join Us at Our New Time, 2pm EST, for the Next DPC Kidney Chat!
Thank you to everyone who joined our first Kidney Chat of the New Year!
Our next call will be February 13th at our new time, 2:00pm EST, with guest speaker Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD, ABPP, CSOWM. Read Dr. Ogbeide’s full bio on our Advisory Council page.
To join the call:
Dial: 866-230-9002
Enter Meeting Code: 420 835 078#
As always, this a safe place to discuss aspects of living with kidney disease and connect with fellow patients in the kidney community. We hope you will join us!
Recipe of the Month: One-Pot Chicken and Dumplings
Get a brand new, kidney-friendly recipe* delivered to your inbox each month, courtesy of Jessianna Saville, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, CLT, a member of the Ed Center Advisory Council and Founder & CEO of the Kidney Nutrition Institute.
Our featured recipe for January is the perfect cozy meal for winter weather: One-Pot Chicken and Dumplings
Recipe created by The KidneyRD Team
Tip: Add more vegetables to your meal by having a salad on the side. You can also add more low potassium vegetables in your stew! Some good options to add per serving: 1 cup of kale (adds 73 mg potassium), ½ cup of broccoli (adds 115 mg potassium), or 1/2 cup of cauliflower (adds 150 mg potassium).
*Always check with your nutritionist before incorporating new foods or recipes into your diet to make sure it is right for you.
Free Learning Events
Kidney Questions for the Doctor - Live on Facebook
The DPC Education Center’s Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury, is going live on Facebook! Come with your kidney questions and get answers from our expert.
January 17, 2024
12:30pm EST
Follow Dialysis Patient Citizens on Facebook to join the Live event.
Register to receive a reminder email the morning of the event!
Kidney Questions for the Doctor - Live on Instagram
The DPC Education Center’s Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury, is going live on Instagram! Come with your kidney questions and get answers from our expert.
February 7th @ 12:30pm EST
Follow @patientcitizens on Instagram to be notified at the start of future live sessions!
Register to receive a reminder email the morning of the event!

Recent Event Recordings
January Instagram Live - Kidney Questions for the Doctor
If you missed our January Instagram Live, the recording is now available!
The DPC Education Center’s Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury, discussed the difference between acute and chronic dialysis, what happens when you are called for a kidney transplant, the importance of screening for kidney disease, and many other important kidney-related topics.
Navegando la Etiqueta Nutricional para la Salud Renal (Navigating the Nutrition Label for Kidney Health)
Ya estĂ¡ disponible la grabaciĂ³n de diciembre (Our December recording is available).
Aprenda a leer la informaciĂ³n nutricional, a mejorar sus elecciones alimentarias en funciĂ³n de sus necesidades dietĂ©ticas especĂficas y a descifrar las declaraciones nutricionales de las etiquetas (Learn how to read the nutrition facts, enhance your food choices according to your specific dietary needs, and decode nutrition claims on labels).
