End stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney failure is the end of your kidney function, not your life.  As a result, the DPC Education Center entered into an exciting new collaboration with the American Psychological Association (APA).  We recently held our first joint webinar and Regional Meeting in Detroit. Click here to view the recorded webinar.

The diagnosis of stage 5 kidney disease or ESRD can be devastating.  Grieving the loss of your kidney function is normal as long as it does not interfere with living your life to the fullest.

Typically, the doctors focus on the physical aspects of your chronic illness.  Ordering treatment plans, and medications to deal with the symptoms that are evident by lab results.

The biggest hurdle to surviving ESRD is the mental road block that some people never get past.  They skip treatments and do not follow dietary or fluid restrictions and their hearts and vascular systems eventually wear out.

Remember in most cases, you are reacting normally to an abnormal change in your life.  Some things you can do to help relieve your stress are: recognize that your feelings are valid, talk to others (social workers can refer you to counselors who specialize in dealing with chronic illnesses), accept help from others, get plenty of rest, physical activity also helps and follow your dietitians advice on a proper diet.

For more information watch our webinar recording: