Understanding the Impact of Phosphorus in Renal Patients
A look into what phosphorus is, what is does in the body, and what it means for renal patients.
Hannah Bracamonte2024-04-30T15:55:24-04:00May 1st, 2024|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Staying Healthy|
A look into what phosphorus is, what is does in the body, and what it means for renal patients.
Hannah Bracamonte2024-04-26T15:39:22-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: News & Events, Recipe of the Month, Recipes, Staying Healthy, The Kidney Citizen|
May’s featured recipe, Peach Cobbler, is the perfect summer dessert!
Hannah Bracamonte2024-04-26T15:34:31-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, Employment, Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Physical Health, Quality of Life, Staying Healthy, Support, The Kidney Citizen|
Merida Bourjolly, President of DPC Education Center Board of Directors Merida Bourjolly had a kidney removed when she was just three weeks old, though it wouldn’t be until much later that her experience with dialysis would begin. By then, she already owned her own business and had both a teenage daughter and her mother to take care of at home, which meant starting dialysis came with big adjustments. She did her best to continue working five to six days a week like she had before, but found she was increasingly tired while styling her clients’ hair. Eventually, she [...]
Hannah Bracamonte2024-04-11T09:34:40-04:00April 4th, 2024|Categories: Additional Resources, Quality of Life, Resources, Staying Healthy|
Learn more about the Education Center's collaboration with NephU, a community of health care professionals and advocates collaborating to improve kidney health.
Hannah Bracamonte2024-04-18T16:03:40-04:00April 1st, 2024|Categories: News & Events, Recipe of the Month, Recipes, Staying Healthy, The Kidney Citizen|
April’s featured recipe, Broccoli Salad, is a great summer side and pairs well with a meal outside!
Hannah Bracamonte2024-03-28T20:57:08-04:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: News & Events, Nutrition, Staying Healthy|
This information was originally posted on the U.S Renal website: https://www.usrenalcare.com/living-with-kidney-disease/nutrition.html People on dialysis can enjoy many different foods. Limiting certain foods can help ensure you stay healthy. Your meal plan is designed to meet your needs while controlling the buildup of harmful waste products. It is an important part of your treatment plan. Seeking support from your healthcare team, friends and family can help you be more successful. Eating well will help you feel better and improve your quality of life. Five Meal Planning Tips for People on Dialysis Meet with a registered dietitian nutritionist that specializes in dialysis nutrition. [...]
Hannah Bracamonte2024-03-28T20:57:09-04:00March 1st, 2024|Categories: News & Events, Recipe of the Month, Recipes, Staying Healthy|
Get a brand new, kidney-friendly recipe* delivered to your inbox each month! March’s featured recipe, Chicken Salad, would make a nice addition to a spring picnic spread as the weather warms up! This recipe was submitted by Archilene Lauderdale for the DCI Kidney Cookbook. Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 25 min Total time: 40 min Ingredients Makes 4 servings 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 c. seedless red grapes (cut in half) 1/4 c. finely chopped red onion 1/4 c. chopped celery 3/4 c. Duke’s mayonnaise 1/8 tsp. black pepper (add more if desired) 1/4 tsp. salt (to reduce [...]
Hannah Bracamonte2024-03-28T20:57:10-04:00February 8th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, eNews, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Physical Health, Quality of Life, Staying Healthy, Stress Management|
Dialysis does not mean the end of your life! You are still able to perform many of the tasks that you did prior to dialysis but patience and planning are necessary. Please read the following tips provided by Fresenius Medical Care (www.freseniusmedicalcare.com). Talking to the staff at the dialysis centers. Writing down questions ahead of time and inform family members about changes in treatment. Finding out as much as possible about the illness through a National Kidney Association or Society, local or national support groups, written materials, and educational classes. Staying involved in the pleasures, activities, and responsibilities of daily living. [...]
Hannah Bracamonte2024-03-28T20:57:12-04:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: About DPC Ed Center, eNews, Patient Support Group, Quality of Life, Resources, Staying Healthy, The Kidney Citizen, Treatment|
GREETINGS! This past year was an exciting one for the Education Center. We ramped up our social media platforms, allowing more direct exposure and interaction with our audience, including monthly LIVEs on Instagram and Facebook. Dr. Velma Scantlebury, our medical consultant, was available on Instagram every first Wednesday and on Facebook every third Wednesday—both occurred at 12:30 pm. Our support group, the Kidney Chat, was the second Tuesday of each month by telephone. Nephrologists, nutritionists, and social workers (just to name a few) were guests on the call, and shared important information and resources with patients. We also published an informative [...]
Hannah Bracamonte2024-03-28T20:57:13-04:00December 1st, 2023|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Recipe of the Month, Recipes, Staying Healthy|
Get a brand new, kidney-friendly recipe* delivered to your inbox each month, courtesy of Jessianna Saville, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, CLT, a member of the Ed Center Advisory Council and Founder & CEO of the Kidney Nutrition Institute. It’s December, which means the festive season is in full swing. Whether you’re hosting friends and family or you’ve been tasked with brining dessert to a party, you can’t go wrong with our recipe of the month: Baked Apples with Crumble Topping. Recipe developed by The KidneyRD Team Ingredients Makes 4 servings 3 tablespoons coconut oil (cold and firm) 2 tablespoons all purpose flour [...]
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