Grilled Herb Corn – A Kidney Friendly Summer Must-Have

2024-03-28T21:00:10-04:00August 13th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

Low Sodium Herbed Grilled Corn By Jessianna Saville Ingredients ½ c butter, unsalted 2 tbsp fresh parsley, minced 2 tbsp fresh chives, minced 1 tsp dried thyme ½ tsp cayenne pepper (or per taste) 8 ears sweet corn, husked 1-2 fresh limes (opt but highly recommended!) Instructions In a small bowl, beat the first five ingredients until blended. Spread 1 tablespoon mixture over each ear of corn. Wrap corn individually in heavy-duty foil. Grill corn, covered, over medium heat 10-15 minutes or until tender, turning occasionally. Open foil carefully to allow steam to escape. Notes Phos 84 mg | Potassium 237 [...]

The Quest to Activate a Commonly Inactive Protective Protein

2024-03-28T21:00:23-04:00May 20th, 2018|Categories: Early Intervention, eNews, Nutrition|Tags: , |

New research sponsored by the American Heart Association found high levels of a protective protein, albeit an inactive version of the protein, in the blood of African-Americans on dialysis.  Matrix Gla protein, or MGP, has high affinity binding to calcium ions and therefore inhibiting vascular calcification. Researchers believe finding ways to activate this protein can lead to lower rates of vascular disease in current dialysis patients. MGP is activated by vitamin K and appears to be the only natural inhibitor of vascular calcification while vitamin K is the only known activator of MGP. Active MGP binds to calcium that circulates in [...]

Renal Friendly Ginger Cookies

2024-03-28T21:00:45-04:00January 9th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

These ginger cookies are exceptionally magical for the holidays with their golden sprinkles and perfect soft, chewy center. Swapping out kidney-friendly honey for the traditional molasses drops the potassium by just about 100 mg without sacrificing flavor. Magical Ginger Cookies for The Holidays Serves: 24 Cookies Ingredients 2-1/4 cups all-purpose white flour 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon baking soda ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground cloves ¾ cup butter 1-1/8 cups granulated sugar 2 egg whites ¼ cup honey Nutrition Information Serving size: 1 cookie Calories: 138 | Fat: 6 g | Phosphorus: 15 mg | Potassium: 24 mg |Carbohydrates: 20 g | Sodium: 59 mg | Protein: 1.5 g | Get the full [...]

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

2024-03-28T21:00:47-04:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Early Intervention, Lifestyle, Nutrition, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

If you have diabetes you are at a higher risk for kidney disease, especially if you have high glucose and high blood pressure. Approximately 1 in 4 adults with diabetes will also develop kidney disease. Your chances increase if you smoke, are overweight, have heart disease, have a family member with kidney disease and you don’t exercise or follow your diabetes food plan. Many people are not aware that they have kidney disease and would benefit from being tested for it. To keep your kidneys as healthy as you can, work with your health care team to keep your glucose and [...]

Make Your Own Super Cider

2024-03-28T21:00:49-04:00November 14th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Nutrition, Recipes|

Fall temperatures have arrived in the DC area and many places around the country! This can only mean one thing... toasty warm apple cider is at the ready! Jessiana from provides a great kidney friendly recipe for those who want to enjoy the best flavors fall has to offer. Make Your Own Super Cider! Naturally Kidney Friendly Serves: A LOT Apple cider is naturally a kidney friendly drink due to its low potassium content. Cut back on sugar and keep portion size reasonable if you're watching carb intake Ingredients 10 apples, quartered ½ cup white sugar 1 tablespoon ground [...]

Next Education Call: Safe or Scary? Navigating the Grocery Store

2024-06-07T12:33:45-04:00October 4th, 2017|Categories: eNews, News & Events, Nutrition, Staying Healthy, Webinar|

Is grocery shopping for your renal diet a chore you silently suffer through?  Do you work hard and do your best to sort through the multitude of confusing labels, marketing messages, and hundreds of products, but still feel like you're unsure about your choices?  Join us for our October webinar on how to successfully and joyfully navigate the grocery store to find delicious kidney-friendly choices. When: October 18 at 3:00 PM Eastern Where: Online at or by phone 1-877-399-5186;433-459-5474

Honey-Garlic Low Sodium Marinated Kebabs

2024-03-28T21:00:58-04:00October 4th, 2017|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Recipes|

Kebabs are good all year round. These marinated low sodium kebabs give ample opportunity to ramp up vegetable intake in the most delicious and delightful way! Low potassium vegetables such as onion and peppers pair perfectly with the sweet and savory chicken to make this dinner a real home-run. This kebab recipe was a snap to put together. We used red and yellow peppers, both of which are low in potassium. We also used marinated chicken breasts and basted the kebabs in the marinade before grilling to perfection. Alternatively, you could also use pork. If you want to go totally plant-based, [...]

Smell Loss and Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T21:01:07-04:00September 6th, 2017|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Quality of Life|Tags: |

Our sense of smell is not only used to appreciate new blooms in Spring and the aroma of a great meal but is essential when we taste our food as well. Recently, researchers have found those with advanced kidney disease may experience a loss of smell. While the cause is unknown, researchers are looking for ways to improve the sense of smell in kidney disease patients in order to decrease rates of malnutrition. When your sense of smell is reduced, your ability to taste food is also reduced. This could lead to food aversion and eating less. As a kidney disease [...]

Summertime S’mores

2024-03-28T21:01:11-04:00July 26th, 2017|Categories: Nutrition, Recipes|

Nothing is more iconic of summertime and family time then s’mores.  "But," you say,  "s’mores have…shhhh [whisper] chocolate." No worries here though! Chocolate never shows up on the “Do Have” renal diet list, due to its high phos content.  A classic s’more with two graham crackers, 1/2 bar chocolate, and one large marshmallow has 97 mg phosphorus, 128 mg potassium, and 151 mg sodium. This does not mean that s’mores are out though. Non-chocolate s’mores are fancy, trendy, and super yummy.  We experimented with 3 different non-chocolate s’more variations to keep the dietary phosphorus at bay: Butterscotch Chip S'more, Lemon Curd [...]

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