Are You Aware That…

2025-03-19T13:07:18-04:00March 19th, 2025|Categories: eNews, Quality of Life, Resources, Staying Healthy, Treatment|

The Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center is dedicated to improving kidney patients’ quality of life and reducing the occurrence of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) through education. Education is the transmission of knowledge and we take this task very seriously. Your health and welfare come first! We have multiple resources and tools to equip you in your respective journeys. Our Website ( The website is filled with pertinent and useful information. There you will find: an overview of the education center, multiple resources, copies of the “Kidney Citizen” (Our international magazine that provides articles, questions and answers about renal disease, [...]

Do You Ask Questions?

2025-02-10T12:17:06-05:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: eNews, Physical Health, Quality of Life, Staying Healthy, Treatment|

Whether you were just diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), on dialysis, or transplanted, it is important to ask providers questions about whatever it is that you do not understand about your healthcare. Remember, providers treat symptoms! If you do not tell them if something does not feel “normal”, it is more difficult for the provider to help solve the concern. Lab tests are crucial for all patients. The results help a provider to determine the progress of a patient’s overall health. At the same time, a patient should ASK QUESTIONS if not understanding when a provider reviews the results [...]

Exercise: A Resolution or a Commitment?

2025-01-08T11:43:50-05:00January 8th, 2025|Categories: Dialysis, eNews, Lifestyle, Physical Health, Quality of Life, Staying Healthy|

Happy New Year! Happy New You! Many make new year resolutions that are difficult to keep or achieve. Let us make a commitment to exercise and eat nutritionally. Before beginning any changes in exercise and nutrition, please consult your physician! Exercise is important for so many reasons but do not think that you have to act like you are training for a marathon. Some of the best exercises can be done sitting in a chair! The following tips are retrieved from DaVita Kidney Care’s website ( Exercise for Dialysis Patients Many people on dialysis think they cannot exercise. The truth is, [...]

Diabetic Kidney Disease

2024-12-11T11:39:56-05:00December 11th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, Early Intervention, eNews, Lifestyle, Physical Health, Staying Healthy, What Causes Kidney Disease|

The following information will focus on diabetic kidney disease and is taken from the National Institute of Health ( What is diabetic kidney disease?  Diabetic kidney disease is a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. About 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes has kidney disease.1 The main job of the kidneys is to filter wastes and extra water out of your blood to make urine. Your kidneys also help control blood pressure and make hormones that your body needs to stay healthy. When your kidneys are damaged, they can’t filter blood like they should, which can cause wastes [...]

The Importance of Immunizations for People with Kidney Disease

2024-11-13T09:58:16-05:00November 4th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, eNews, Hemodialysis, Home Hemodialysis, Immunizations, In-Center Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Physical Health, Staying Healthy|

Living with kidney disease presents unique health challenges, including an increased susceptibility to infections. Immunizations play a crucial role in protecting people with kidney disease, including those on dialysis or with a kidney transplant, from preventable diseases. This article will discuss the importance of vaccines in general and those protecting against respiratory illness specifically, the risks associated with not being vaccinated, and concerns related to misinformation on vaccination decisions.

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