Investigación Clínica 101: Participar en un Ensayo

2024-03-28T21:00:50-04:00November 7th, 2017|Categories: Spanish Materials|

English Version Escrito por Kurt Mussina, MBA, Investigación Renal Frenova ¿Qué es la investigación clínica? Mucho antes de que un medicamento sea aprobado por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE. UU. Y puesto en el mercado, se somete a pruebas rigurosas para garantizar que sea seguro y efectivo, un proceso que puede llevar muchos años. Probar medicamentos nuevos y / o ya aprobados en personas es lo que llamamos investigación clínica. Aunque hay muchos tipos diferentes de ensayos clínicos, me estoy centrando aquí en el desarrollo clínico y el proceso de aprobación de medicamentos y dispositivos, en particular. [...]

Clinical Research 101: Participating in a Trial

2024-03-28T21:00:51-04:00November 7th, 2017|Categories: Fact Sheet, The Kidney Citizen, Treatment|

EN ESPAÑOL By Kurt Mussina, MBA, Frenova Renal Research What Is Clinical Research? Long before a medicine is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and put on the market, it undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it is safe and effective — a process that can take many years. Testing new and/or already approved medicines in people is what we call clinical research. Although there are many different types of clinical trials, I am focusing here on the clinical development and approval process for drugs and devices, in particular. Clinical research is vital to finding ways to improve quality [...]

The Waiting Game: How to Endure the Transplant Wait List

2024-03-28T21:01:08-04:00September 1st, 2017|Categories: Fact Sheet, Kidney Transplant, Mental Health, Stress Management, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

By Kirsten Weir If you are on the organ transplant waiting list (or hoping to be listed soon), you have probably experienced all kinds of emotions: Excitement, nervousness, anxiety, fear, joy, guilt. Maybe all in one day! The average time spent on the waiting list for a kidney varies from region to region. But for most patients, that wait is measured in years, not months. As the years go by, some people go about their daily lives and forget they are waiting for a life-changing call. Others feel mounting anxiety and hopelessness. All of those feelings are completely normal, says Heather [...]

Living Well on Dialysis

2024-03-28T21:02:04-04:00May 6th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress Management|

If you receive dialysis treatments for kidney disease, you probably spend a lot of time focused on your physical health. That’s important -- but so, too, is your mental and emotional well-being. Dialysis is life-saving, but it’s also life-changing. Still, by taking charge of your emotional health -- and accepting help when you need it -- you can live a rewarding life on dialysis. Rollercoaster Emotions Dialysis requires significant time and effort. In addition to the considerable time spent traveling to and from appointments and receiving treatment itself, people receiving dialysis must carefully monitor their diet and fluid intake. It’s [...]

In-Center Hemodialysis

2024-03-28T21:02:11-04:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Hemodialysis|

Currently, in-center hemodialysis is the most utilized form of dialysis treatment for Americans with end stage renal disease. With in-center hemodialysis a patient goes to a dialysis center where a staff of nurses and technicians administer treatment. Generally, in-center hemodialysis occurs three days a week for between three to five hours per session. During dialysis treatment the blood is removed from the body via an access (fistula, graft or catheter), filtered through an artificial kidney (dialyzer) and returned back to the body through the access. This blood is filtered many times during treatment to remove waste and maintain the chemical balance [...]

Peritoneal Dialysis

2024-03-28T21:02:12-04:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Peritoneal Dialysis|

One advantage of peritoneal dialysis (PD) is that people who choose PD can do it while they sleep using a cycler. The cycler is a machine that fills and drains dialysate into the peritoneal cavity in the abdomen several times during the night. While the dialysate is in the peritoneal cavity, it helps pull toxins from the blood through the peritoneal lining. After a time of dwelling, the dialysate is drained from the peritoneal cavity which is refilled with fresh dialysate. While it may seem difficult to sleep during dialysis, many who choose Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) report that they [...]

Home Hemodialysis

2024-03-28T21:02:13-04:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Home Hemodialysis|

For people on dialysis who are stable, and who desire more control and flexibility over their treatments, home hemodialysis is another treatment option. With home hemodialysis a patient, along with a partner in most cases, will set up a dialysis machine in his or her home and learn to perform dialysis. This requires a patient, and/or partner, to learn how to self-cannulate, or put the needles into the access, set up the dialysis machine, monitor the machine, take and record vital statistics during treatment. Home hemodialysis patients must have a room in their home capable of accommodating the dialysis machine [...]

Helping Your Patients Live Well on Dialysis

2024-03-28T21:04:44-04:00March 25th, 2016|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Mental Health|

Dialysis is often a stressful and emotional experience. But renal healthcare professionals can help patients improve their quality of life. As a renal healthcare professional, you are understandably focused on your patients’ physical health outcomes. Given that physical and mental health are closely intertwined, you are in a prime position to positively impact a patient’s overall health. Although this information is not new to you, it can still be difficult addressing mental health issues with your patients. Knowing that untreated mental health issues can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for better health, many providers find ways to address these [...]

It’s Time to Open Medicare Advantage Enrollment to Dialysis Patients

2024-03-28T21:05:04-04:00March 10th, 2016|Categories: Costs for Treatment, eNews, Fact Sheet|

In the wake of recent action by CMS to maintain Medicare Advantage funding, the time is ripe to follow up on a recommendation made by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission 14 years ago: repeal the law prohibiting dialysis patients from enrolling in Medicare Advantage. The exclusion of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients from Part C deprives them of the opportunity to access two important benefits: care coordination by a single, accountable entity; and maximum out-of-pocket limitations. ESRD Patients Lack Access to Care Coordination, Resulting in Avoidable Complications As AHIP noted in a 2010 white paper, “health plans provide a life line” [...]

Dialysis Patients’ Guide to the Medicare ESRD Bundle

2024-03-28T21:05:06-04:00March 9th, 2016|Categories: Costs for Treatment, eNews, Fact Sheet|

Medicare is changing how it pays for dialysis, and this is expected to impact your care. These changes started in 2011 and will continue through 2016. This is a guide to what you need to know and what you can do to help ensure you continue to receive quality dialysis care during this transition period. HOW WAS DIALYSIS PAID FOR TRADITIONALLY? Dialysis treatments, injectable medications received in the clinic, laboratory tests and other items used to treat end stage renal disease (ESRD, also known as kidney failure) are paid for by Medicare Part B for most patients. However, before January [...]

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