Short Course on Sepsis and Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T21:00:56-04:00September 3rd, 2019|Categories: eNews, Online Courses, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

Do you know that anyone, including people with kidney disease, can get sepsis? Do you know what sepsis is and what its symptoms are? If you or a loved one gets sepsis. It is very important to get treatment immediately for this devastating and life-threatening condition. September is Sepsis Awareness Month, and we have a short online course that will get you up-to-speed in case this happens to you or someone you know. During this program, you will learn: What sepsis is What the early warning signs of sepsis are What people with kidney disease need to know about sepsis What [...]

Guía Básica de Alimentación para Personas con Enfermedad Renal

2024-03-28T21:01:01-04:00July 30th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Spanish Materials, Webinar|

Presentado por María E. Rodríguez, MS, RD, CSR Aprende: ¿Qué es la dieta renal? Lo que necesitas saber sobre proteína, sodio, potasio y fósforo ¿Cómo hacer una buena selección de alimentos? Regístrate para los detalles de la llamada: English Translation Basic Nutrition Guide for People with Kidney Disease Presented by María E. Rodríguez, MS, RD, CSR Learn: What is the renal diet What you need to know about protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus How to make good food choices Sign up for call details: Note: This webinar will be presented in Spanish.

Quick Guide for Receiving Medical Services Not Offered by Medicare

2024-03-28T20:59:05-04:00June 19th, 2019|Categories: Additional Resources, Costs for Treatment, eNews, Fact Sheet|

Thousands of Americans with end-stage renal disease rely on Medicare for their healthcare needs. However, there are some medical services, such as dental, vision and hearing, where Medicare coverage is lacking. If you are on Medicare and need these services, here is a three-page guide that provides free and lower-cost treatment resources. Check out the guide.

Caregivers for People with Chronic Illness

2024-03-28T20:59:08-04:00May 31st, 2019|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress Management, Support|

By Amy Walters, PhD, Licensed Psychologist Below is a summary handout about understanding and helping the caregivers in our life. What We Know About Caregivers Report feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and lonely Report high levels of stress and depressed symptoms Are tired and sleep deprived Have higher rates of illness (2x higher) but seek medical attention less often Often neglect their own self care Experience more relationship conflicts Feel a sense of loss – independence, freedom, dreams for the future Attitude matters – those who believe they are not effective have higher levels of stress and depression Strong social support systems [...]

Older Americans: Connect, Create, Contribute

2024-03-28T20:59:11-04:00May 11th, 2019|Categories: About DPC Ed Center, eNews, Lifestyle, Quality of Life, Support|

Each year, more and more older adults are making a positive impact for dialysis patients across the country. As advocates, volunteers, employees, employers, educators, mentors and more, they offer insight and experience that benefit the entire community. That’s why Older Americans Month (OAM) has been recognizing the contributions of this growing population for 56 years. Led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), each May OAM provides resources to help older Americans stay healthy and independent, and resources to help communities support and celebrate their diversity. This year’s OAM theme, Connect, Create, Contribute, encourages older adults and their communities to: Connect [...]

Psychosocial Factors Affecting Children and Families Living with Chronic Illness

2024-03-28T20:59:12-04:00May 6th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Support, Webinar|

During this webinar, Amy Walters, PhD, Clinical Psychologist will discuss: 1) the psychological and emotional side effects of chronic illness on children and families, 2) how illness impacts different stages of childhood development, 3) common concerns reported by parents and children and 4) ways to support children and their families in coping with chronic illness. About the Presenter Amy Walters, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and the Director of Behavioral Health Services for St. Luke’s Humphreys Diabetes Center in Boise, Idaho. Dr. Walters works with patients to overcome barriers to behavioral change, learn to cope with chronic illness, and address issues [...]

Resources for People Living with Chronic Pain

2024-03-28T20:59:13-04:00April 29th, 2019|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Lifestyle, Physical Health|Tags: |

If you missed last week's webinar on Relieving Pain Through Laughter, the recording is now available. In addition, here is a list of resources for people living with chronic pain: Books Explain Pain, 2nd (2014) David Butler and G. Lorimer Moseley. NOI Publications. Painful yarns, Metaphors & stories to help understand the biology of pain. (2012). G. Lorimer Moseley. The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer. (2014). GL Moseley & DS Butler. Your Fibromyalgia Workbook, A Neuroscience Approach to the Understanding and Treatment of Fibromyalgia. (2013). Adriaan Louw.   Orthopedic Physical Therapy Products. Why Do I Hurt? A Patient Book about the Neuroscience of [...]

Maintaining Personal Relationships While on Dialysis

2024-03-28T20:59:19-04:00March 25th, 2019|Categories: Mental Health, Sex and Intimacy, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

By Alex Purcell People with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who have gone through dialysis can tell you that it is exhausting—and so can their loved ones. Not only does dialysis take a physical toll on the patient, it can also put significant stress on the patient’s relationships with their friends and family, right when they need those relationships the most. This dynamic can be especially complicated if the primary caregiver is a spouse or close relative. If you’re in this situation, as either a patient or a loved one, you may be feeling frustrated, sad or lonely. But there’s hope: transplant [...]

Free Monthly Webinars/Conference Calls

2024-03-28T20:59:20-04:00March 21st, 2019|Categories: About DPC Ed Center, Costs for Treatment, Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, Early Intervention, Employment, Home Hemodialysis, Humor and Laughter, Immunizations, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Medication, Mental Health, Music, Nutrition, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis, Physical Health, Sex and Intimacy, Stages of Kidney Disease, Stress Management, Support, Symptoms, The Kidney Citizen, Webinar, What Causes Kidney Disease|

The DPC Education Center invites people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), their families and professional staff to join us for our monthly webinars. You can also join by phone or view the recordings online at a later time. The webinars are planned for the fourth Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. Eastern time zone, except for November and December when they will be held during the third week of the month. You can download monthly webinar fliers to share with others and/or register for webinars at Join by phone by calling 1-877- 399-5186 and [...]

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