Should I Get a Kidney Transplant?

2024-03-28T20:59:43-04:00November 5th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Kidney Transplant|

Dialysis patients who are considering whether to pursue a kidney transplant can check out a new resource to help them make that decision. The resource—a guide that was written by patients with End-Stage Renal Disease—provides an overview of the decisions that need to be made when getting a transplant, the rewards and risks involved, and what to expect after the transplant. Patient stories, questions to ask transplant facilities and additional resources are also included in the guide. Download the guide.

COVID-19 Mental Health Toolkit

2024-03-28T20:59:46-04:00October 29th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Mental Health|

If the global pandemic is starting to negatively impact your mental health, there is a resource that can help you better understand and cope with the feelings you are experiencing. This toolkit includes suggestions for: increasing public awareness, building community capacity, using telemedicine and how to stay ahead of the potential emerging issues. Check out the toolkit.

Coping with Chronic Illness During COVID-19: How to Live Well in the Context of Stress

2024-03-28T20:59:51-04:00September 9th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Fact Sheet, Mental Health, Stress Management|Tags: |

By Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson, PhD An increasingly vital aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic is how the pandemic impacts our mental health, overall well-being, and how we cope with the pandemic, especially as it continues on for a longer period than we may have anticipated or hoped. This article provides psychoeducation on the connection between stress, chronic illness, and COVID-19, tips for managing anxiety related to these stressors, and resources for further support. Stress During COVID-19 and Symptoms to Look Out for COVID-19 adds to already present stress that impacts patients and families on many levels in terms of their medical and [...]

Supporting Your Health and Wellbeing Before, During, and After Kidney Transplant

2024-03-28T20:59:52-04:00September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Fact Sheet, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Physical Health, Stress Management, Support, The Kidney Citizen|Tags: |

By Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson, PhD and Leah Grande, MA Preparing for and receiving a kidney transplant, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, can be an uncertain and overwhelming process. This article discusses tips to promote positive mental and physical health for yourself or your loved ones. Preparing for a Transplant There are many different emotions associated with deciding to go on the transplant list, and all of these feelings are normal and valid! You may feel excited about the potential for improved health and energy, fewer restrictions on what you can eat and drink (although you still want to eat a [...]

Participating in a Clinical Trial

2024-03-28T20:59:56-04:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Early Intervention, eNews, Home Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Peritoneal Dialysis, Treatment, Webinar|

New medical treatments and products are continually being developed for people living with kidney disease. Part of the development process for high quality, scientific, and safe options is through research to test the treatment or product before it becomes available on the market. This phase of research is called a clinical trial or a clinical research project. People can volunteer to be part of a clinical trial if they meet the specific requirements for the study. You might consider participating in the research process for many reasons including if it has a personal meaning for you or if you want to [...]

COVID-19 Resources for Dialysis Patients

2024-06-07T12:30:37-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Employment, eNews, Fact Sheet, In-Center Hemodialysis, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress Management|Tags: |

Updated May 6, 2020 Earlier this month the President signed the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” which is a bill that will increase funding to several federal programs in response to the COVID-19 viral outbreak. The bill aids Americans in the areas of healthcare (including COVID-19 testing), nutrition, paid sick leave, unemployment, family and medical leave, and more. Below is a list of resources for dialysis patients to help them get additional support during the COVID-19 viral outbreak and beyond. Resource topics include: disability, financial assistance, nutrition, healthcare, housing and utilities, jobs, transportation, women and children, daily living, and staying [...]

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Information for Dialysis Patients

2025-01-30T16:42:23-05:00March 6th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, In-Center Hemodialysis, Lifestyle, Physical Health|Tags: |

Updated 3/26/2020 Coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated COVID-19) is a new respiratory virus spreading to the United States. Although the health risk is low in this country at this time, we know that people who have chronic illnesses, weakened immune systems and/or are over the age of 60 could pose an increased risk if they develop the disease. That said, it is not a time to panic, but rather a time to use procedures that help prevent the flu, coronavirus and other infections. Prevention A great prevention tip is to avoid getting or sharing germs that can cause infections. Here are [...]

New Resources for Teens

2024-03-28T21:00:27-04:00March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, eNews, Fact Sheet, Home Hemodialysis, Humor and Laughter, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Medication, Nutrition, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis, Stress Management, Support, Symptoms|Tags: |

These booklets were developed for tweens and teens who learn their kidneys are not working and they will need dialysis or a transplant. The booklets provide a brief overview of coping with kidney disease, being part of their health care team, the importance of diet, taking medication, and treatment methods. They also touch on feelings related to having a chronic illness, family and friends, and being a teen. The development of both booklets included input from kids currently on dialysis, parents, adults who had kidney disease as children, and nephrologists.  Although both booklets are similar, one focuses on teens who learn [...]

Where Kidney Patients Can Get Help with Medical Bills and Employment

2024-03-28T21:00:29-04:00February 20th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Costs for Treatment, Employment, eNews, Fact Sheet, Support|

There is a resource—developed by patients with kidney disease—that provides an overview of where to get help with medical bills and employment. The types of medical bill tips highlighted include: An overview of Medicare coverage for people with End-Stage Renal Disease Where you may find help in getting supplemental coverage for the 20% Medicare doesn't pay Assistance for special populations (e.g., veterans, children, people with disabilities, etc.) Programs that help cover expenses related to health insurance premiums, living organ donation and medications. Assistance provided by some electric companies for home hemodialysis patients Employment tips [...]

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