Spoon-Saving Strategies

2024-03-28T21:00:07-04:00June 15th, 2020|Categories: Fact Sheet, Lifestyle, Physical Health, Stress Management, The Kidney Citizen|

By Sara Naveed Raise your hand if getting out of bed feels like an accomplishment to you, if you have ever felt the need to nap after taking a shower or if being tired feels like it's a part of your personality now! How about constantly finding yourself in a push/crash cycle—pushing way past your limit one day and then paying the price for it in the form of heightened symptoms and having to rest several days in order to recover? Don't worry—you're not the only one! We currently live in an era where we are constantly fed the narrative that [...]

Managing Chronic Pain in Dialysis Patients

2024-03-28T21:00:08-04:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Fact Sheet, Mental Health, Music, Physical Health, Stress Management, The Kidney Citizen|

By Amanda Nelli, MD and Padma Gulur, MD Pain is a complex symptom and a common concern for all patients with a chronic illness. In particular, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) poses unique challenges. It has been found that 37-50 percent of patients with ESRD on hemodialysis experience chronic pain, and more than 80 percent of these patients experience moderate to severe pain.1 Pain in dialysis patients often goes undertreated, which may be because it is often caused by multiple problems. The pain experienced in dialysis patients is often a combination of physical, social and psychological influences.2 There are multiple medical [...]

COVID-19 Resources for Dialysis Patients

2024-06-07T12:30:37-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Employment, eNews, Fact Sheet, In-Center Hemodialysis, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress Management|Tags: |

Updated May 6, 2020 Earlier this month the President signed the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” which is a bill that will increase funding to several federal programs in response to the COVID-19 viral outbreak. The bill aids Americans in the areas of healthcare (including COVID-19 testing), nutrition, paid sick leave, unemployment, family and medical leave, and more. Below is a list of resources for dialysis patients to help them get additional support during the COVID-19 viral outbreak and beyond. Resource topics include: disability, financial assistance, nutrition, healthcare, housing and utilities, jobs, transportation, women and children, daily living, and staying [...]

New Resources for Teens

2024-03-28T21:00:27-04:00March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, eNews, Fact Sheet, Home Hemodialysis, Humor and Laughter, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Medication, Nutrition, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis, Stress Management, Support, Symptoms|Tags: |

These booklets were developed for tweens and teens who learn their kidneys are not working and they will need dialysis or a transplant. The booklets provide a brief overview of coping with kidney disease, being part of their health care team, the importance of diet, taking medication, and treatment methods. They also touch on feelings related to having a chronic illness, family and friends, and being a teen. The development of both booklets included input from kids currently on dialysis, parents, adults who had kidney disease as children, and nephrologists.  Although both booklets are similar, one focuses on teens who learn [...]

New Online Pain Management Course

2024-03-28T21:00:28-04:00February 27th, 2020|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Online Courses, Physical Health, Stress Management|Tags: |

DPC Education Center is now offering an online, free-to-use resource center to learn more about chronic pain and effective ways to live with it. In the program, you will explore the concept of pain, learn ways to talk about it, and discover methods of managing pain including medication, alternative medicine, nutrition and exercise, self-management, and laughter and humor. You will also have the opportunity to tell your story and hear from others about their experiences. Check out the Course

5 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

2024-03-28T21:00:30-04:00February 13th, 2020|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Health, Stress Management, What Causes Kidney Disease|

If you worry that you or someone you love will get heart disease or even have a heart attack, it’s understandable. February is American Heart Month, and heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Research shows you can lower your risk, particularly if you team up with family, friends or co-workers. This kind of social support may be the key to your success. “Studies show that having positive, close relationships and feeling connected to others benefits overall health, blood pressure, weight and [...]

Ideas for Packing a “Go Bag” for Unanticipated Overnight Hospital Stays

2024-03-28T21:00:31-04:00February 6th, 2020|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Stress Management|

Sometimes, having a chronic disease—such as End-Stage Renal Disease—can result in spending the night in the hospital unexpectedly. One tip to make the stay more comfortable is having a pre-packed "go bag". This could be helpful for not only patients being admitted, but also the caregivers that accompany them. To get started, below are some areas to focus on when pre-packing the bag: Comfortable clothes and bedding Entertainment Sleep aids Snacks Copies of important documents and helpful lists Toiletries For more details about specific items to include in these categories, read the full article.

Dialysis, Caregiving and Emotional Health

2024-03-28T21:00:46-04:00November 25th, 2019|Categories: Fact Sheet, Lifestyle, Sex and Intimacy, Stress Management, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

By Hannah Calkins Dialysis is life-changing in many ways. It may be what makes your life possible, for one. But it may also significantly impact your daily routine, your sense of self and your relationships—and it may impact all three if your significant other or another close relative has taken on a caregiving role. You and your caregiver may be new to this situation or coping with it long-term. Either way, psychologists and social workers who work with people with kidney disease and other chronic illnesses can help you both manage your routines, navigate conflicts and maintain—or even enrich—your relationship through [...]

8 Things About Living with A Chronic Disease That Others May Not Understand

2024-03-28T21:00:57-04:00August 27th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Physical Health, Stress Management|

"If you see us 'enjoying' ourselves, it doesn’t mean we aren’t sick." This is one of a handful of ideas shared by a woman who has lived with a chronic illness for the past 12 years. She decided to create a blog to share her experience and spread awareness about others that may be going through something similar. If there are friends or family in your life that are having trouble relating to what you are going through, it may be helpful to share this article with them. Or perhaps it will inspire you to put your thoughts on paper and [...]

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