My Personal Experience with a Rare Condition

2024-03-28T20:59:17-04:00March 29th, 2019|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, In-Center Hemodialysis, Lifestyle, Physical Health, The Kidney Citizen|Tags: |

By Mark Scirocco, Patient Ambassador I have been on in-center hemodialysis for three years. It was a rough start, as I went through 11 chest catheters in a little over a year. Two of them just fell out while I was sitting at home; the others got clogged. The last one almost killed me, stopping fluid in my upper body and head. My fistula was barely ready when they took that one out and placed a stent in my chest to allow fluid past my upper body. Three months after starting my fistula, I needed a fistulogram to open it up. [...]

Maintaining Personal Relationships While on Dialysis

2024-03-28T20:59:19-04:00March 25th, 2019|Categories: Mental Health, Sex and Intimacy, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

By Alex Purcell People with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who have gone through dialysis can tell you that it is exhausting—and so can their loved ones. Not only does dialysis take a physical toll on the patient, it can also put significant stress on the patient’s relationships with their friends and family, right when they need those relationships the most. This dynamic can be especially complicated if the primary caregiver is a spouse or close relative. If you’re in this situation, as either a patient or a loved one, you may be feeling frustrated, sad or lonely. But there’s hope: transplant [...]

Free Monthly Webinars/Conference Calls

2024-03-28T20:59:20-04:00March 21st, 2019|Categories: About DPC Ed Center, Costs for Treatment, Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, Early Intervention, Employment, Home Hemodialysis, Humor and Laughter, Immunizations, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Medication, Mental Health, Music, Nutrition, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis, Physical Health, Sex and Intimacy, Stages of Kidney Disease, Stress Management, Support, Symptoms, The Kidney Citizen, Webinar, What Causes Kidney Disease|

The DPC Education Center invites people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), their families and professional staff to join us for our monthly webinars. You can also join by phone or view the recordings online at a later time. The webinars are planned for the fourth Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. Eastern time zone, except for November and December when they will be held during the third week of the month. You can download monthly webinar fliers to share with others and/or register for webinars at Join by phone by calling 1-877- 399-5186 and [...]

Get Your Sweat On! Exercising for Healthier Kidneys

2024-03-28T20:59:26-04:00March 1st, 2019|Categories: eNews, Physical Health, Webinar|

During the webinar, the following points will be covered: Background on the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise relating to kidney function. The impact current research is showing on exercising in helping to slow down kidney disease progression. Strategies for getting started with a new exercise routine, along with tips to keep you motivated! Presented by Collette Powers, MA, RDN, LDN, ACSM EP-C, Renal Dietitian

Two Therapies Found to Help Dialysis Patients with Depression

2024-03-28T20:59:27-04:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Medication, Mental Health|

For almost 50 years, hemodialysis has extended lives of people with chronic kidney disease. But when a patient first learns that their kidneys have failed and dialysis is necessary to survive, it can be a jolting overture of mortality. These patients usually have lived for years with diabetes or hypertension – diseases onerous for their medication regimens and lifestyle constraints. Adding dialysis, a four-hour, thrice-weekly therapy, can easily push patients into depression if they don’t already have that diagnosis. With this backdrop, researchers report today that two treatments, cognitive behavioral therapy (counseling) and the drug sertraline, effectively reduce depression among people [...]

Work Those Kidneys Out!

2024-03-28T20:59:29-04:00February 23rd, 2019|Categories: Early Intervention, Fact Sheet, Lifestyle, Physical Health, The Kidney Citizen|

By Collette Powers, MA, RDN, LDN, ACSM EP-C We have all heard it, and we all know it. We have been told from our doctor, a friend or a loved one. Whether it is for controlling high cholesterol, managing weight, reducing blood sugar or keeping our bodies healthy overall, we have all been told at some point we should exercise. But did you know exercise may help protect your kidneys too? Fatigue is a common struggle that many patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) face. When we are tired, our instinct is to rest. However, over time, that “rest” can [...]

When Your Parent is Sick: Tips for Children on Managing Feelings

2024-06-07T11:43:33-04:00February 11th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Fact Sheet, Mental Health, Pediatric Kidney Disease|

By Elizabeth Lewan, Communications & Grassroots Program Coordinator at the American Psychological Association Having a sick parent can be scary and stressful, especially if there are long hospital stays or physically intense treatments. Having a parent diagnosed with a serious health condition, like kidney disease, can seem especially frightening if you don’t know how it will affect your family. It is estimated that one in seven adults have chronic kidney disease.1 Your parents, doctors and family members can help you get through this tough time. Here are some tips to help you manage your feelings: Prepare for change. You may notice [...]

Don’t Make New Year Resolutions! Six Happiness Habits

2024-03-28T20:59:42-04:00January 1st, 2019|Categories: Fact Sheet, Humor and Laughter, Webinar|Tags: |

Most people make and break resolutions every year. 80% of people fail New Year Resolutions by February. Learn happiness habits instead that can change your attitude and your health on a daily basis. About the Presenter:  Steve Wilson, a member of the DPC Education Center Advisory Council, is an author, psychologist, trainer and business consultant. He is also the founder of the World Laughter Tour, which trains people in laughter therapy across the country as it promotes health, happiness, and peace.  

Airport Screening Resources for People with Disabilities or Medical Conditions

2024-03-28T20:59:43-04:00December 7th, 2018|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Quality of Life|Tags: |

There are airport screening resources available for people with disabilities and/or medical conditions that are planning to fly. These resources include: Contact information for TSA Cares where you can ask questions and express concerns related to airport screening Information about connecting with a Passenger Support Specialist and/or customer service manager at the airport (Note: the level of assistance will vary) Enrollment information for TSA Pre✓®, which may result in shorter lines and wait times at the airport Additional information about what to expect during the airport security screening process if you have a disability or medical condition A link to download [...]

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