Merida Bourjolly: Taking Control of Her Care and Finding Meaning Through Advocacy

2024-04-26T15:34:31-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, Employment, Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Physical Health, Quality of Life, Staying Healthy, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

Merida Bourjolly, President of DPC Education Center Board of Directors Merida Bourjolly had a kidney removed when she was just three weeks old, though it wouldn’t be until much later that her experience with dialysis would begin. By then, she already owned her own business and had both a teenage daughter and her mother to take care of at home, which meant starting dialysis came with big adjustments. She did her best to continue working five to six days a week like she had before, but found she was increasingly tired while styling her clients’ hair. Eventually, she [...]

For Gene Blankenship, Family is Everything

2024-04-26T15:34:00-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Dialysis, Employment, Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Quality of Life, Support, The Kidney Citizen|

Eugene Blankenship, DPC Board of Directors Gene has had a front row seat to life with kidney disease for as long as he can remember. His entire family has been affected by kidney disease, and he was diagnosed himself in 2003. While it has come with challenges, Gene has continuously pushed forward, bolstered by the loving support of his family and those in the dialysis community he’s met along the way. After three years on dialysis, Gene was finally able to receive a kidney transplant this year. Persevering through dialysis treatments can take a toll, but Gene learned [...]

For Mike Guffey, Working Was Key to Staying Positive

2024-03-28T20:57:27-04:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, Dialysis, Employment, Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Kidney Transplant, Mental Health, Quality of Life, The Kidney Citizen|

Mike Guffey When Mike Guffey began dialysis treatments in 2008, one of his top priorities was to ensure he had a reason to keep moving forward, something to look forward to when he got out of bed which would allow him to push through his treatment regimen. For him, that meant returning to work as quickly as he could after starting his treatments, especially given how quickly he crashed into life on dialysis. Normally based in Kansas City, Mike was working temporarily as a project manager in Colorado when he noticed something was off. He went to the [...]

A Career and Dialysis Become a Way of Life

2024-03-28T20:57:39-04:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Dialysis, Employment, eNews, Hemodialysis, In-Center Hemodialysis, Physical Health|

By Gene Blankenship, DPC Board Member I was 42 years old when I crashed into dialysis, though my family obviously knew about my kidney disease. I also worked full time and so the next step was to tell my employer, OPEA. I cannot compliment my employer enough. From the second I told my Supervisor and our Executive Director it was, as the cool kids say, "cake". First words out of their collective mouths were "How can we help?'  My doctor and I had already discussed what I could do while still keeping my health a priority. This made [...]

COVID-19 and Patients with Kidney Disease on Dialysis

2024-03-28T20:58:35-04:00February 25th, 2022|Categories: Dialysis, Employment, eNews, Immunizations, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Mental Health|Tags: |

By Alan Kliger, MD Updated March 18, 2022 I am writing this mid-March 2022, as the last peak of COVID infection with the Omicron variant has rapidly fallen in every US state, but wastewater analysis has shown places in the US where virus infection in some communities is rising again. A new sub-variant, BA.2 is making up about 23% of cases. Abroad, the United Kingdom is seeing increasing hospitalizations with COVID infection, and many locations in the far east have raging infections. The effects of the surge in Omicron cases around the world this past winter have deeply affected [...]

My Experience Working During the COVID-19 Pandemic While Living With A Kidney Transplant

2024-03-28T20:59:14-04:00April 19th, 2021|Categories: Employment, Staying Healthy, Stress Management, The Kidney Citizen|Tags: |

By Merida Bourjolly, DPC Education Center President ANXIETY OF COMING BACK I am sure everyone has felt the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is the first time I have experienced a complete shut down in my industry due to a virus. Additionally, the lockdown provided an opportunity for a pause and a chance to rethink my priorities and what is meaningful. From a financial perspective, this shut down taught me how to adapt to uncertain economic times. I am really grateful for technology that helped us connect virtually, provided an opportunity to work, and to make it through a stressful [...]

COVID-19 Resources for Dialysis Patients

2024-06-07T12:30:37-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Employment, eNews, Fact Sheet, In-Center Hemodialysis, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Stress Management|Tags: |

Updated May 6, 2020 Earlier this month the President signed the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” which is a bill that will increase funding to several federal programs in response to the COVID-19 viral outbreak. The bill aids Americans in the areas of healthcare (including COVID-19 testing), nutrition, paid sick leave, unemployment, family and medical leave, and more. Below is a list of resources for dialysis patients to help them get additional support during the COVID-19 viral outbreak and beyond. Resource topics include: disability, financial assistance, nutrition, healthcare, housing and utilities, jobs, transportation, women and children, daily living, and staying [...]

Where Kidney Patients Can Get Help with Medical Bills and Employment

2024-03-28T21:00:29-04:00February 20th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Costs for Treatment, Employment, eNews, Fact Sheet, Support|

There is a resource—developed by patients with kidney disease—that provides an overview of where to get help with medical bills and employment. The types of medical bill tips highlighted include: An overview of Medicare coverage for people with End-Stage Renal Disease Where you may find help in getting supplemental coverage for the 20% Medicare doesn't pay Assistance for special populations (e.g., veterans, children, people with disabilities, etc.) Programs that help cover expenses related to health insurance premiums, living organ donation and medications. Assistance provided by some electric companies for home hemodialysis patients Employment tips [...]

Disability Benefits for Kidney Disease Patients

2024-03-28T21:00:36-04:00January 18th, 2020|Categories: Employment, eNews|

There are more than 37 million people in the US living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and over 700,000 with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). ESRD patients require multiple dialysis treatments a week in order to stay alive. Many CKD and ESRD patients find it difficult to continue working because of the time consuming treatments and the toll it has on their bodies. If you have kidney disease or ESRD and are not able to continue working, you may file a claim for Social Security benefits. While not guaranteed, these benefits help many patients cover some of their lost wages. Many CKD [...]

There’s a Grant for That!

2024-03-28T21:00:38-04:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Costs for Treatment, Employment, Humor and Laughter, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Music, Physical Health, Webinar|

Do you have an idea to help others living with kidney disease? Are you interested in going back to school or work? There’s a grant for that. If you’ve never applied for a grant before, don’t worry. With resources to help guide you, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The End Stage Renal Disease National Coordinating Center (ESRD NCC) Patient Grant Library has what you need to help find the grant that’s right for you. It also offers links to sources for writing a proposal, creating a budget and submitting an application.

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