About Hannah Bracamonte

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So far Hannah Bracamonte has created 566 blog entries.

Diabetes and Kidney Disease: Can You Get Better?

2024-03-28T21:00:58-04:00August 23rd, 2019|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, Early Intervention, eNews, Webinar, What Causes Kidney Disease|Tags: |

During this webinar you will learn: 1) How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys, 2) How Controlling Diabetes Improves Health and Well Being and 3) Three Proven Strategies for Controlling or Reversing Diabetes. David Spero has been a nurse for 40 years, has lived with a chronic illness for 30 years, writes regularly for Diabetes Self-Management magazine and web site and for other health publications. He is author of The Art of Getting Well: Maximizing Health When You Have a Chronic Illness (Hunter House 2003), and Diabetes: Sugar Coated Crisis – Who gets it, who profits, and how to stop it (New Society [...]

The Gap Between US Veterans and Kidney Doctors

2024-03-28T21:00:59-04:00August 13th, 2019|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, Early Intervention, eNews, Stages of Kidney Disease|

Less than 60 percent of US Veterans with advanced stages of kidney disease (eGFR <30) receive care from a nephrologist. This is important as kidney disease is 34 percent higher among veterans than the general population. In addition, seeing a nephrologist could delay the progression of the disease and prevent other health issues from emerging. The percentage of veterans that work with a nephrologist varies by age, with patients over 69 being least likely. The data suggests that additional efforts need to be made to ensure veterans with kidney disease are getting the care they need. Read the full article. Understand [...]

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

2024-03-28T21:01:00-04:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Immunizations, Staying Healthy|

We all need shots (vaccines) to help protect us from serious diseases. This protection is called immunization. To help our community stay safe, DPC Education Center is proudly participating in National Immunization Awareness Month. Shots can prevent serious diseases like the flu, measles, and pneumonia. They can also prevent some infections. This is especially important for people with kidney disease, as they are at a higher risk for getting an infection, which can be fatal. It’s important to know which shots you need and when to get them. Everyone age 6 months and older needs to get a flu vaccine every [...]

Guía Básica de Alimentación para Personas con Enfermedad Renal

2024-03-28T21:01:01-04:00July 30th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Spanish Materials, Webinar|

Presentado por María E. Rodríguez, MS, RD, CSR Aprende: ¿Qué es la dieta renal? Lo que necesitas saber sobre proteína, sodio, potasio y fósforo ¿Cómo hacer una buena selección de alimentos? Regístrate para los detalles de la llamada: https://www.dpcedcenter.org/news-events/education-webinars/signup/ English Translation Basic Nutrition Guide for People with Kidney Disease Presented by María E. Rodríguez, MS, RD, CSR Learn: What is the renal diet What you need to know about protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus How to make good food choices Sign up for call details: https://www.dpcedcenter.org/news-events/education-webinars/signup/ Note: This webinar will be presented in Spanish.

Upcoming Renal Nutrition Webinar Will Be Presented in Spanish!

2024-03-28T21:01:01-04:00July 26th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Nutrition, Webinar|

Print out the flier. We invite your Spanish-speaking patients and their family members to participate in the upcoming free webinar: Basic Nutrition Guide for People with Kidney Disease. The webinar will discuss information about the renal diet including sodium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus as well as how to choose foods that are kidney-friendly. The presentation will be given in Spanish by a renal dietitian, María E Rodriguez. She has worked with dialysis patients for the past 10 years and with chronic kidney disease patients for the past 6 years. Learn More

Improve the Quality of Life for Dialysis Patients by Submitting Your Ideas in Prize Competition

2024-03-28T21:01:03-04:00July 19th, 2019|Categories: eNews, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Health|

Sometimes the best solution to a problem comes from the people who live and experience the challenge every day. This is one approach that is being taken to help improve the lives of dialysis patients. The KidneyX: Patient Innovator Challenge is a contest where people can submit ideas to help those living with kidney disease, with the chance of receiving a monetary prize. The challenge is organized into two groups: Category 1: "Solutions in Practice," which are solutions already tried or put into practice Category 2: "New Ideas," which are solutions that have not yet been created or tried. If you need additional [...]

Support the DPC Education Center on Prime Day

2024-03-28T21:01:04-04:00July 15th, 2019|Categories: About DPC Ed Center, Blog|

If you are taking advantage of discounts for Amazon Prime Day, don't forget you can support DPC Education Center while you shop online. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases to the DPC Education Center without added cost. The DPC Education Center is dedicated to empowering kidney disease patients through education, with continual collaboration from health professionals.

More Americans with Disabilities Are Getting Jobs

2024-03-28T20:59:02-04:00July 12th, 2019|Categories: Employment, eNews|

Employment is higher for working-age Americans with disabilities than one year ago as published in a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Specifically, "the employment-to-population ratio for working-age people with disabilities increased from 29.5 percent in June 2018 to 31 percent in June 2019 (up 5.1 percent or 1.5 percentage points)." Additionally, the labor force participation rate—which is the percentage of the population that is working or actively looking for work—saw gains from 32.5 percent in June 2018 to 33.9 percent in June 2019 (up 4.3 percent or 1.4 percentage points) among working-age people with disabilities. These findings are important [...]

Why You Should Take A Peek At Your Doctor’s Notes On Your Health

2024-03-28T20:59:04-04:00July 5th, 2019|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, eNews|

By Victoria Knight, Kaiser Health News When Pamela DeSalvo read the clinical note from her doctor’s visit, the words on the page hit her hard: “clinically morbidly obese.” She knew she was overweight, but seeing those three words together shocked her. It also inspired her to start losing weight. “I needed to see it in black and white, what I actually in my heart already knew. It forced me to get honest with myself,” DeSalvo said. “Reading that note saved my life.” Studies show that, indeed, reading your doctor’s notes can improve your health. DeSalvo lives in Metuchen, NJ, and works [...]

A Young Man’s Life-Changing Experience with both Heart and Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T20:59:05-04:00June 28th, 2019|Categories: Diagnosis of Kidney Disease, eNews, Kidney Transplant, Webinar|

Bill Coon became a two-time heart and kidney transplant recipient in his 20s. During the webinar, he will share experiences from his 70-day hospital stay and recovery from a heart and kidney transplant to help others learn how to improve their patient experience. He will also provide insight from his personal experience on what one might expect during post-transplant recovery.

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