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So far Hannah Bracamonte has created 566 blog entries.

“A Mindful Heart”: Stress Management Tools for Patients Living with Heart Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease

2024-03-28T20:59:44-04:00November 4th, 2020|Categories: Lifestyle, Stress Management, The Kidney Citizen|Tags: |

By Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD, ABPP, CSOWM DPC Education Center Advisory Council Member Stress Management—a topic those living with heart disease and chronic kidney disease have heard before but now in 2020, takes a whole new meaning. We are in the COVID-19 pandemic—unprecedented times—that are impacting people physically, financially, socially, spiritually, and emotionally. Maybe your healthcare has been disrupted; treatment disrupted; work, social, and family life disrupted. Your current stress management options are no longer working, or you don’t have access to your typical stress management options, which is beginning to take a toll on you. Don’t lose heart—I’d like to [...]

COVID-19 Mental Health Toolkit

2024-03-28T20:59:46-04:00October 29th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Mental Health|

If the global pandemic is starting to negatively impact your mental health, there is a resource that can help you better understand and cope with the feelings you are experiencing. This toolkit includes suggestions for: increasing public awareness, building community capacity, using telemedicine and how to stay ahead of the potential emerging issues. Check out the toolkit.

Medicare Advantage Now Open for Enrollment

2024-03-28T20:59:47-04:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: Costs for Treatment, Fact Sheet, The Kidney Citizen|

Between now and December 7, dialysis patients are, for the first time, able to choose a Medicare Advantage plan for their coverage. Medicare Advantage is an alternative to traditional Medicare run by private insurance companies. To help kidney patients explore their options, Dialysis Patient Citizens has established Dialysis Plan Choice, an online tool designed in collaboration with Consumers’ Checkbook for dialysis patients to quickly and easily compare their current Medicare Fee-For-Service plan with the options available to them through Medicare Advantage. DialysisPlanChoice.org helps patients and caregivers more easily understand what plans are available to them, the costs are associated with those plans, and, most importantly, which plans [...]

New Online Course About Exercise

2024-03-28T20:59:48-04:00October 6th, 2020|Categories: eNews, Online Courses, Physical Health|

The DPC Education Center just launched a new online course called: Exercise and the Benefits to You and Your Kidneys. Exercise is important for our physical and mental health. This course explains why exercise is important, how it benefits people living with kidney disease and how you can develop a personalized exercise program that will work for you. Check out the Course

ESRD Teen Booklets Are Now Available in Spanish

2024-03-28T20:59:49-04:00October 2nd, 2020|Categories: eNews, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Spanish Materials|Tags: |

Our two popular booklets, "Tips for Teens Living with Kidney Disease" and "Kidney Disease Tips for Teens Living with Cystinosis" are now available for download in Spanish. These booklets provide information for teens who learn they have kidney disease. They include a brief overview of living with End stage renal disease, the importance of diet and medication adherence, and potential treatment methods. They also touch on feelings related to having a chronic illness, family and friends, and being a teen. Download the booklets

The Importance of Getting a Flu Shot During COVID-19

2024-03-28T20:59:50-04:00September 29th, 2020|Categories: eNews, Immunizations|Tags: |

Flu season is approaching, and it is just as important to get your shot as ever before. People with chronic kidney disease are more susceptible to developing severe flu complications, due to a weakened immune system. The COVID-19 pandemic adds some complexities to flu season this year as there is risk for infection from either illness. Although there is no vaccine available for COVID-19, you can lower your risk for getting the flu by getting the flu vaccine. In fact, the flu vaccine prevented 39 percent of flu cases among people that received the vaccine last year. In addition, the types [...]

Coping with Chronic Illness During COVID-19: How to Live Well in the Context of Stress

2024-03-28T20:59:51-04:00September 9th, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, eNews, Fact Sheet, Mental Health, Stress Management|Tags: |

By Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson, PhD An increasingly vital aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic is how the pandemic impacts our mental health, overall well-being, and how we cope with the pandemic, especially as it continues on for a longer period than we may have anticipated or hoped. This article provides psychoeducation on the connection between stress, chronic illness, and COVID-19, tips for managing anxiety related to these stressors, and resources for further support. Stress During COVID-19 and Symptoms to Look Out for COVID-19 adds to already present stress that impacts patients and families on many levels in terms of their medical and [...]

Supporting Your Health and Wellbeing Before, During, and After Kidney Transplant

2024-03-28T20:59:52-04:00September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Additional Resources, Fact Sheet, Kidney Transplant, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Physical Health, Stress Management, Support, The Kidney Citizen|Tags: |

By Elizabeth Steinberg Christofferson, PhD and Leah Grande, MA Preparing for and receiving a kidney transplant, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, can be an uncertain and overwhelming process. This article discusses tips to promote positive mental and physical health for yourself or your loved ones. Preparing for a Transplant There are many different emotions associated with deciding to go on the transplant list, and all of these feelings are normal and valid! You may feel excited about the potential for improved health and energy, fewer restrictions on what you can eat and drink (although you still want to eat a [...]

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