The Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center is dedicated to improving kidney patients’ quality of life and reducing the occurrence of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) through education. Education is the transmission of knowledge and we take this task very seriously. Your health and welfare come first! We have multiple resources and tools to equip you in your respective journeys.

Our Website (

The website is filled with pertinent and useful information. There you will find: an overview of the education center, multiple resources, copies of the “Kidney Citizen” (Our international magazine that provides articles, questions and answers about renal disease, dedicated topic supplements and patient profiles), and a list of events.

Kidney Chat

The Kidney Chat occurs every month on the second Tuesday at 2:00 pm (EST). We connect by telephone with kidney patients, family members, caregivers and healthcare professionals. This is a confidential telephone conversation—what goes on in the Kidney Chat stays in the Kidney Chat. We share our stories with each other to show support and to bond with each other. We are on this journey together!  The telephone number is (866) 230-9002; the code is 420 835  078#. Join us!

Social Media

We realize that social media is an electronic communication to share information. If we want to remain relevant and to provide as much education as possible, it is essential that we are progressive enough to venture into social media. Therefore, we are asking you to engage with us on our platforms. Dr. Velma Scantlebury, our medical consultant, is LIVE on Instagram and Facebook. She answers questions about your healthcare in a very understandable and educational way.

Instagram Lives are every first Wednesday at 12:30 pm (EST). Follow us @patientcitizens. You will be glad that you did!

Facebook Lives are every third Wednesday at 4 pm (EST). Follow our Dialysis Patient Citizens page and Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center group. Join us!

Other special events occur throughout the year on our social media platforms. We aim to aid you in your renal journey consistently and educationally!