News & Events

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News & Events

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Are You Aware That…

March 19th, 2025|

The Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center is dedicated to improving kidney patients’ quality of life and reducing the occurrence of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) through education. Education is the transmission of knowledge and we take this task very seriously. Your health and welfare come first! We have multiple resources and tools to equip you in your respective journeys. Our Website ( The website is filled with pertinent and useful information. There you will find: an overview of the education center, multiple resources, copies of the “Kidney Citizen” (Our international magazine that provides articles, questions and answers about renal disease, dedicated topic supplements and patient profiles), and a list of events. Kidney Chat The [...]

Do You Ask Questions?

February 10th, 2025|

Whether you were just diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), on dialysis, or transplanted, it is important to ask providers questions about whatever it is that you do not understand about your healthcare. Remember, providers treat symptoms! If you do not tell them if something does not feel “normal”, it is more difficult for the provider to help solve the concern. Lab tests are crucial for all patients. The results help a provider to determine the progress of a patient’s overall health. At the same time, a patient should ASK QUESTIONS if not understanding when a provider reviews the results of the lab tests. One does not have to have a medical degree to [...]

Exercise: A Resolution or a Commitment?

January 8th, 2025|

Happy New Year! Happy New You! Many make new year resolutions that are difficult to keep or achieve. Let us make a commitment to exercise and eat nutritionally. Before beginning any changes in exercise and nutrition, please consult your physician! Exercise is important for so many reasons but do not think that you have to act like you are training for a marathon. Some of the best exercises can be done sitting in a chair! The following tips are retrieved from DaVita Kidney Care’s website ( Exercise for Dialysis Patients Many people on dialysis think they cannot exercise. The truth is, most dialysis patients CAN exercise. In fact, regular exercise is the first activity that [...]

Diabetic Kidney Disease

December 11th, 2024|

The following information will focus on diabetic kidney disease and is taken from the National Institute of Health ( What is diabetic kidney disease?  Diabetic kidney disease is a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. About 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes has kidney disease.1 The main job of the kidneys is to filter wastes and extra water out of your blood to make urine. Your kidneys also help control blood pressure and make hormones that your body needs to stay healthy. When your kidneys are damaged, they can’t filter blood like they should, which can cause wastes to build up in your body. Kidney damage can also cause other health problems. [...]

The Importance of Immunizations for People with Kidney Disease

November 4th, 2024|

Living with kidney disease presents unique health challenges, including an increased susceptibility to infections. Immunizations play a crucial role in protecting people with kidney disease, including those on dialysis or with a kidney transplant, from preventable diseases. This article will discuss the importance of vaccines in general and those protecting against respiratory illness specifically, the risks associated with not being vaccinated, and concerns related to misinformation on vaccination decisions.

Support Groups

October 3rd, 2024|

Coping with a chronic disease is not an easy task! The journey is challenging, tiring, frustrating--often depressing, and lonely. One can feel that no one is experiencing or understanding their respective circumstances. A support group is a confidential and safe place to share with others, as well as a place to develop a special and unique comradery with those who participate. The Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Center formed a support group called the “Kidney Chat”. The group meets every second Tuesday at 2:00 pm EST via telephone. The telephone number is (866) 230-9002; the code is 420 835 078#. Various guests, such as nephrologists, transplant surgeons, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, social workers—just to name a few, [...]

Goals: The Secret Ingredient for Success

September 23rd, 2024|

Eniola King, MPsy, PsyD Candidate, Institute for the Psychological Sciences Stacy Ogbeide, PsyD, ABPP, Board Certified Clinical Health Psychologist, UT Health San Antonio Goals, goals, and more goals – a topic important for those living with chronic kidney disease and going through dialysis. Self-management is one of the hallmarks of having a chronic disease, yet many people living with chronic conditions do not know where to start. If you feel stuck in the management of chronic kidney disease or your options are no longer working, setting goals that are “SMART,” or specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound may be for you! There is research to support that those who [...]

My New Normal

September 23rd, 2024|

By Karim Rattani, DPC Patient Ambassador My journey with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) has included much suffering, but it has also shaped me into a stronger, more loving man. Throughout all of it, I’ve adjusted to a “new normal” with ESRD and found that life can still be fulfilling and full of possibilities. I worked as a chauffeur and ran a public transportation Limousine service business just before the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020. Once the pandemic hit, most of the businesses were shutdown with an executive order and therefore I, like many others, also lost most of my customers and could no longer work. The financial stress of the pandemic [...]

Sometimes It’s a Blessing in Disguise

September 23rd, 2024|

By Layce Ryan, DPC Patient Ambassador I remember when I first learned about my kidney disease. I was a college student living in Kalamazoo, Michigan, when I suddenly fell very ill. After running some tests, the doctors diagnosed me with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), a type of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is the early stages of full kidney failure, also known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). In an instant, my life changed dramatically, and I was faced with the reality that the worst was yet to come. It would be 10 years before I began dialysis at the age of 29. Despite my diagnosis, I refused to let it define [...]

Ask the Doctor September 2024

September 23rd, 2024|

Velma Scantlebury, MD, DPC Education Center Health Care Consultant 1. I have been on dialysis for three months. After treatment in the dialysis facility, I am tired and feel bloated. When will I begin to feel better? Dialysis removes excess fluid and waste products. This happens by shifting fluid from one compartment so that the dialysis process can remove the extra fluid. This «dialysis fatigue» is experienced by about 50% of patients. Anemia, electrolyte imbalance, and stress can also be contributors to the condition. Many recommend getting plenty of rest, eating more protein, eating a balanced diet, and exercising, which can help improve one's mood over time. 2. Why should I get [...]

I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To

September 23rd, 2024|

By Stephanie Dixon, DPC Patient Ambassador When I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in 2001, I felt like my life was over. Many newly diagnosed ESRD patients share this fear, but it's possible to live a full and happy life on dialysis. While ESRD requires adjusting to a "new normal," this journey provides opportunities for growth and valuable lessons. When I was first diagnosed with ESRD in 2001, I was immediately concerned for my two children, Jason and Joy. As the year passed, my body shut down, and I could no longer walk. Finally, I decided to have peritoneal access surgery and began dialysis in 2002. My life improved [...]

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