Fibra: Tu Aliada en el Cuidado Renal (Fiber: Your Ally in Kidney Care)
Presentado por Maria Eugenia Rodriguez-Leon, MS, RD, CSR. Aprenda sobre los beneficios de la fibra, recomendaciĂ³n diaria de fibra para adultos, alimentos altos en fibra como parte de la dieta renal.
@patientcitizens Instagram Live – October 2023
Join the DPC Education Center (@patientcitizens) for our monthly Instagram Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session and learn valuable information about staying healthy while living with kidney disease.
Home Hemodialysis & Peritoneal Dialysis – What’s the difference?
Join the DPC Education Center for a special Facebook Live event on Sept 27th @ 12:30pm EST. We'll be speaking with FMC Kidney Care Advocate Joanne Smith, RN, about home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
DPC Education Center Facebook Live – October 2023
Join the DPC Education Center for our October Facebook Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session to get answers from our health expert.
@patientcitizens Instagram Live – November 2023
Join the DPC Education Center (@patientcitizens) for our monthly Instagram Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session and learn valuable information about staying healthy while living with kidney disease.
A Renal Nutrition Guide from Kidney Nutrition Institute’s Jessianna Saville
Join the DPC Education Center for a special Instagram Live event on November 2nd @ 1:30pm EST. We'll be speaking with Jessianna Saville, MS, RDN, CSR, LD, CLT, founder of the Kidney Nutrition Institute, about renal nutrition, renal diet Q&A, and a recipe for the holidays.
@patientcitizens Instagram Live – December 2023
Join the DPC Education Center (@patientcitizens) for our monthly Instagram Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session and learn valuable information about staying healthy while living with kidney disease.
Navegando la Etiqueta Nutricional para la Salud Renal (Navigating the Nutrition Label for Kidney Health)
Presentado por Maria Eugenia Rodriguez-Leon, MS, RD, CSR. Aprenda a leer la informaciĂ³n nutricional, a elegir los alimentos en funciĂ³n de sus necesidades dietĂ©ticas especĂficas y a descifrar las declaraciones nutricionales de las etiquetas.
@patientcitizens Instagram Live – January 2024
Join the DPC Education Center (@patientcitizens) for our monthly Instagram Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session and learn valuable information about staying healthy while living with kidney disease.
@patientcitizens Instagram Live – February 2024
Join the DPC Education Center (@patientcitizens) for our monthly Instagram Live with Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Scantlebury! Bring your kidney questions to this Q&A session and learn valuable information about staying healthy while living with kidney disease.