The Emotional Ride of the Transplant Process

Presented by: Dr. Jody Jones, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Transplant Psychologist Dr. Jones has worked with patients at all stages of the transplant process and can help you make sense of the range of emotions you might be feeling. About This Presentation: Learn how to deal a potentially long wait for an organ, and how you can mentally yourself for when you do receive a transplant. Learn how to manage your fears about the process, but also managing your expectations, while waiting for a kidney and living with a transplant. View the Recording: Download the slides.

Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain

Presented by: David Spero, RN In some studies, over 70% of people with CKD report chronic pain. If you are one of the 70%, or if you take care of them, this program will give you medical and non-medical ways to understand, reduce, and manage chronic pain. You may not eliminate it completely, but you can make pain a much smaller part of your life! Watch the Recording: Download the slides.

The Nuts and Bolts of becoming a Transplant Patient

Presented by Dr. Keith Melancon, Director of the George Washington Transplant Institute This Program will help you: Learn what it means to be on the transplant list; Understand the transplant process from start to finish; Dispel the myths of what is or is not involved; Learn tips for to help you succeed in the process. View the Recording: Download the slides. About the Presenter: Dr. Melancon is currently the Director of the George Washington Transplant Institute and the Medical Director of The Ron and Joy Paul Kidney Center at George Washington University Medical School. Dr. Melancon is a Professor of [...]

Home Dialysis: Is It Your Best Treatment Option?

This Program will help you: Learn about treatment options Weigh the benefits of more frequent dialysis Develop questions to ask your doctor when choosing your treatment choice Understand the patient's perspective by hearing a patient's dialysis story View the Recording: Download the slides. Presented by: Dr. Michael Kraus, MD, FACP Nephrologist,  Indiana University School of Medicine Associate Chief Medical Officer, NxStage Medical, Inc. Vanessa Evans, Dialysis Patient Patient Advocate Manager, NxStage Medical, Inc. Dialysis patient for 20 years, the last 13 years on more frequent home hemodialysis with NxStage

An Important Conversation: How to Talk Effectively with your Health Care Team

Join Steve Wilson, psychologist, as he talks to Edward Leigh, a health educator and the founder and director of The Center for Healthcare Communication. Steve will ask Edward important questions that will help you as you partner with your healthcare team for quality care and quality of life. Through an engaging and energetic conversation, learn how to: Build a positive relationship Communicate clearly Ask helpful questions Prepare effectively for each visit Develop your own “medical resume” Find helpful health web sites View the Recording: Download the slides. Download the handout. About the Presenters: Edward Leigh is the Founder & Director [...]

Medication Use and the Role of the Pharmacist

Print out the flier. Presented by: Wendy St. Peter, PharmD, FCCP, FASN, FNKF Professor at the College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often times… have other medical conditions require many medicines have several doctors that prescribe medicines go to more than one pharmacy to get medicines It can be hard for patients, doctors and other healthcare professionals to keep track of all the medicines their patients with CKD take. The issues above can lead to medication therapy problems (MTPs). MTPs can…. reduce the good effects of medicines lead to safety issues (e.g., [...]

What’s So Funny About Kidney Disease?

Have you giggled or laughed out loud today? Or yesterday? Or last week? Laughter is considered one of the best medicines we have, and we want you to start seeing its benefits!