It Takes a Village: Preparing Your Support Plan for Transplant Care
Help to better prepare your family for transplant care by learning 1) who will need help after the transplant surgery, 2) what type of help may be needed and 3) who can help meet those needs.
Get Your Sweat On! Exercising for Healthier Kidneys
During the webinar the following points will be covered: 1) background on the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise relating to kidney function, 2) the impact current research is showing on exercising in helping to slow down kidney disease progression and 3) strategies for getting starting with a new exercise routine, along with tips to keep you motivated!
Relieving Pain Through Laughter
Joyology is the lifestyle that skillfully blends laughter, humor, and attitudes to help recover from difficulties and re-awaken the joy of being alive. During this webinar you will: 1) learn about joyology as a lifestyle, 2) discover ways to manage pain and 3) understand how laughter can help ease pain.
Psychosocial Factors Affecting Children and Families Living with Chronic Illness
During this webinar, Amy Walters, PhD, Clinical Psychologist will discuss: 1) the psychological and emotional side effects of chronic illness on children and families, 2) how illness impacts different stages of childhood development, 3) common concerns reported by parents and children and 4) ways to support children and their families in coping with chronic illness.
Vocational Rehabilitation Works for You and Your Quality of Life!
During this webinar you will learn 1) the benefits of working, furthering your education, training, volunteering and remaining active, 2) how these benefits can increase the likelihood of receiving a kidney transplant and decrease depression and 3) about work incentives for Social Security Disability Insurance and Medicaid recipients.
A Young Man’s Life-Changing Experience with Both Heart and Kidney Disease
Bill Coon became a two-time heart and kidney transplant recipient in his 20s. During the webinar, he will share experiences from his 70-day hospital stay and recovery from a heart and kidney transplant to help others learn how to improve their patient experience. He will also provide insight from his personal experience on what one might expect during post-transplant recovery.
GuĂa BĂ¡sica de AlimentaciĂ³n para Personas con Enfermedad Renal
Aprende: 1) ¿QuĂ© es la dieta renal?, 2) Lo que necesitas saber sobre proteĂna, sodio, potasio y fĂ³sforo, 3) ¿CĂ³mo hacer una buena selecciĂ³n de alimentos?
Diabetes and Kidney Disease: Can You Get Better?
During this webinar you will learn: 1) How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys, 2) How Controlling Diabetes Improves Health and Well Being and 3) Strategies for Controlling Diabetes.
Decisions You Need to Make About Your Transplant Choice
Dr. Melancon will touch on the following three key points: 1) Accepting high risk donors, 2) Understanding transplant wait time and 3) What makes a great transplant recipient.
Treatments and Modality Options for Kidney Disease
During this webinar you will learn: 1) how kidneys work, 2) about chronic kidney disease stages and symptoms, 3) how to slow progression, 4) end stage options for treatment and 5) about accesses.