Sepsis and Kidney Disease

Presented by: Sharon Hanson, M.N., R.N., C.C.R.N Sepsis Alliance with guest Stacy Slater Just over half of Americans have ever heard of sepsis. Learn about this often preventable and treatable condition to help save a life. The presentation not only will educate you on the signs and symptoms of sepsis, but aims to engage and connect on a personal level for those with kidney disease. Sepsis is an extreme response to an infection. It is life threatening and, without the right treatment, can cause organ failure, amputation, and death. More than 1.6 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with [...]

A Livable, Lovable Approach to Kidney Disease Nutrition

Presented by: Jessiana Saville, M.S., R.D., C.S.R., L.D. owner of During the webinar the following points will be covered: Why all the information on kidney disease and diet is so conflicting Slow progression of kidney disease with nutrition Prevent complications of kidney disease with nutrition Tips and tricks to make your diet livable and lovable View the Recording: Download the slides.

A Young Man’s Life-Changing Experience with Both Heart and Kidney Disease

Bill Coon became a two-time heart and kidney transplant recipient in his 20s. During the webinar, he will share experiences from his 70-day hospital stay and recovery from a heart and kidney transplant to help others learn how to improve their patient experience. He will also provide insight from his personal experience on what one might expect during post-transplant recovery.